Advanced Platforms, forex chief.

Forex chief

Subsequent «eternal» remuneration for the referrals turnover calculated on a progressive scale - up to «cent» analog MT5.Directfx, the balance dimension of trading account is 100 times larger.

Best forex bonuses

Advanced Platforms, forex chief.

Advanced Platforms, forex chief.

Advanced Platforms, forex chief.

Accounting for trading results in cents is beneficial for beginners, who can not risk large sums, and professionals who perform testing or optimization of trading systems or methods of management

Advanced platforms

Popular trading platform metatrader 4/5 developed by metaquotes, including a mobile terminal for ios and android operating systems.

MQL4/5 programming language, a wide variety of tools for technical analysis, trading signals, and VPS service.

Trading credits

Deposit funds in your account and get a trading credit up to 50% of the amount deposited.

Trading credits are termless and interest-free, and can be used as guarantees when effecting transactions.

Turnover bonuses

Turnover bonuses are analogues of rebates or cashback. Earn up to $10 for 1 mln. USD of the trading turnover.

Progressive remunirations scale, bonuses are credited automatically and can be withdrawn immediately without any restrictions.

Copy trading

Copy trades of successful traders in the automatic mode or sell your trading signals to subscribers all over the world.

The service was developed by the metaquotes company and was integrated into the metatrader client terminal.


CPA (cost-per-action) remuneration up to $300 for each attracted client.

Subsequent «eternal» remuneration for the referrals turnover calculated on a progressive scale - up to

Liquidity provider

Open new opportunities for your brokerage company with forexchief aggregated liquidity.

Effective B2B solution that allows you to offer competitive terms to the most demanding clients on the basis of developed technological infrastructure.

Regulated & licensed

Metatrader 4 and 5

Wide range of contracts

Aggregated liquidity

Bonus programs


Bonuses and promotions

  • Analog of "bonus for deposit"

  • Increase the amount of funds in the account

  • Opportunity to receive up to 20,000 USD

  • Perpetual and interest-free

  • The profit can be withdrawn without restrictions

  • No hidden conditions, can be opt out anytime

  • Analog of rebates and cashback

  • Progressive remuneration scale

  • Credited automatically

  • Can be withdrawn anytime without restrictions

  • Excellent opportunity for additional income

  • The bonus is credited automatically upon the first deposit

  • The maximum bonus is equal to $500

  • The bonus can be withdrawn after performing the required turnover. The profit can be withdrawn without restrictions

  • Trading robots and any strategies are allowed, including scalping and arbitrage

  • Welcome bonus has unlimited duration

Account types

This is the main account type in the line of forexchief trading accounts designed for experienced traders. The distinctive features of this account are narrow spreads without "markups" and a broker fee, whose amount is calculated as based on the transaction volume at the rate of $15 for USD 1 mln.

This is a classic account type with a "floating" spread that has no transaction fee. Client's orders are executed in "market execution" mode, while the standard speed of trading order execution on the server is in the range of 100-150 msec (under regular market conditions).

This is a "cent" account, whose balance span exceeds that standard hundredfold. Otherwise, this account type is completely identical to the MT4.Directfx. These accounts will be suitable for those clients who want to test MT4.Directfx on its "cent" counterpart.

This is a "cent" account that is different from MT4.Classic+ only by its balance span. Otherwise, those account types are identical. As it’s an intermediary stage between a demo-account and a real standard account, the cent-MT4.Classic+ allows users to make a comfortable transition from "virtual" trading to operation with real money.

The basic option for professionals in the line of forexchief trading accounts. Stable high liquidity, narrow spreads without «markups», the minimum brokerage commission on the transaction volume ($15 for 1 million USD) allows to effectively use all advantages of MT5 trading terminal and «one click trading» technology.

Classic trading account with a "floating" spread without deals fee. Full access to all MT5 functions, «market execution» mode, average speed of ordering does not exceed 100-150 msec (in conditions of a stable market). The optimal solution for professional systems with the modeling of profitability using the floating spread method without taking into account commission costs.

«cent» analog MT5.Directfx, the balance dimension of trading account is 100 times larger. Accounting for trading results in cents is beneficial for beginners, who can not risk large sums, and professionals who perform testing or optimization of trading systems or methods of management

"cent" version of MT5.Classic+ with a low level of risk. Guarantees maximum of practical experience at minimal costs. It is recommended for all systems based on floating spread without deals commission. Provides a comfortable transition from demo trading and small deposits to a full trading account.

Deposit and withdrawal

Wide range of payment systems, 0% commission, negative balance protection, segregation of client funds

Company news



Risk warning: trading with complex financial instruments such as stocks, futures, currency pairs, contracts for difference (CFD), indexes, options, and other derivative financial instruments involves a high level of risk and is not suitable for all categories of investors. You must realize that there is a probability of partial or complete loss of your initial investments and you should not invest facilities that you can't afford to lose. Until you begin to carry out trading transactions, make sure that you fully realize the risks associated with this type of activity.

Platform canggih

Platform trading yang terkenal, metatrader 4/5 yang dikembangkan oleh metaquotes, menyediakan juga terminal mobile untuk sistem operasi ios dan android.

Bahasa pemrograman MQL4/5, berbagai alat analisa teknis, sinyal perdagangan, dan layanan VPS.

Trading credit

Depositkan dana pada akun anda dan dapatkan trading credit sampai dengan 50% dari jumlah deposit.

Trading credit yang tak terbatas dan tanpa bunga, dan dapat digunakan sebagai jaminan saat mempengaruhi transaksi.

Program bonus

Bonus turnover sama seperti rabat atau cashback. Dapatkan hingga $10 untuk 1 juta USD dari turnover trading.

Skala remunerasi progresif, bonus dikreditkan secara otomatis dan dapat di withdraw langsung tanpa pembatasan.

Menyalin perdagangan

Menyalin perdagangan dari trader yang sukses secara otomatis atau menjual sinyal trading anda untuk trader di seluruh dunia.

Layanan ini dikembangkan oleh perusahaan metaquotes dan diintegrasikan ke dalam terminal metatrader klien.

Program kemitraan

Remunerasi CPA (cost-per-action) hingga $300 untuk setiap klien yang bergabung.

Remunerasi «terus-menerus» dihitung pada skala progresif - hingga

Penyedia likuiditas

Membuka peluang baru bagi perusahaan pialang anda dengan gabungan likuiditas forexchief.

Solusi B2B yang efektif, memungkinkan untuk menawarkan persyaratan kompetitif untuk klien yang paling menuntut atas dasar infrastukture teknologi yang dikembangkan.

Regulasi dan lisensi

Metatrader 4 dan 5

Berbagai jenis kontrak

Likuiditas teragregasi

Program bonus


Bonus dan promosi

  • Pilih jumlah "bonus deposit" sendiri

  • Tambahan jumlah dana di akun

  • Peluang untuk mendapatkan hingga 20.000 USD

  • Tanpa batas waktu dan bebas bunga

  • Profit bisa diwithdraw tanpa pembatasan

  • Syarat dan ketentuan terlampir jelas, klien dapat membatalkan kapanpun

  • Dapatkan rebate dan cashback

  • Skala remunerasi yang progresif

  • Dikreditkan secara otomatis

  • Dapat diwithdraw kapan saja tanpa pembatasan

  • Peluang luar biasa untuk penghasilan tambahan

  • Bonus dikreditkan ke akun trading anda secara otomatis saat pertama kali deposit

  • Maksimal bonus yang bisa didapatkan adalah $500

  • Bonus dapat di withdraw setelah syarat turnover terpenuhi. Profit dapat di withdraw tanpa batasan

  • Diperbolehkan untuk menggunakan robot dan strategi trading apa pun, termasuk scalping dan arbitrage

  • Welcome bonus tidak memiliki batas waktu (unlimited)

Jenis akun

Ini adalah jenis akun utama di forexchief yang dirancang untuk trader berpengalaman. Fitur utama dari akun ini adalah spread yang ketat tanpa "markup" dan biaya broker, yang jumlahnya dihitung berdasarkan volume transaksi, $15 untuk USD 1 juta.

Ini adalah tipe akun klasik dengan spread "floating" yang tidak memiliki biaya transaksi. Order klien dieksekusi dalam mode "market execution". Sementara kecepatan standar eksekusi order trading di server berada di kisaran 100 - 150 msec (di bawah kondisi pasar reguler).

Ini adalah akun "cent", yang rentang balance nya melebihi akun standar seratus kali lipat. Pada dasarnya, tipe akun ini benar-benar sama dengan akun MT4.Directfx. Akun ini akan cocok untuk klien yang ingin menguji MT4.Directfx di "cent"-nya.

Ini adalah akun "cent" yang berbeda dari MT4.Classic+ hanya dalam rentang balance nya. Pada dasarnya, tipe akun ini sama. Karena ini adalah tahap perantara antara akun demo dan akun standar real, cent-MT4.Classic+ memungkinkan klien untuk melakukan transisi yang nyaman dari trading "virtual" ke trading dengan uang real.

Opsi dasar untuk para profesional dalam trading bersama forexchief. Likuiditas tinggi yang stabil, spread ketat tanpa "markup", komisi broker minimum pada volume transaksi ($15 per 1 juta USD) memungkinkan untuk menggunakan semua kelebihan terminal perdagangan MT5 secara efektif dan teknologi "one click trading".

Akun trading klasik dengan spread "floating" tanpa biaya transaksi. Akses penuh ke semua fungsi MT5. Mode "market execution", kecepatan order rata-rata tidak melebihi 100-150 msec (dalam kondisi pasar stabil). Solusi optimal untuk sistem profesional dengan profitabilitas menggunakan metode floating spread tanpa memperhitungkan biaya komisi.

"cent" analog MT5.Directfx, skala balance akun trading adalah 100 kali lebih besar. Akunting untuk hasil trading dalam cent bermanfaat bagi pemula, yang tidak mengambil resiko dalam jumlah besar, dan profesional dapat menguji kinerja atau optimalisasi sistem trading metode manajemen.

Versi "cent" MT5.Classic+ dengan tingkat resiko rendah. Klien dapat merasakan pengalaman trading secara real dengan biaya minimal. Disarankan untuk semua sistem yang berbasis pada spread floating dan tanpa komisi. Memberikan transisi yang nyaman dari trading demo dan deposit kecil ke akun trading real.

Deposit dan penarikan

Berbagai macam sistem pembayaran, komisi 0%, perlindungan balance negatif, pemisahan dana klien

Berita perusahaan


Kutipan mata uang

Peringatan resiko: trading dengan instrumen keuangan yang kompleks seperti saham, futures, pasangan mata uang, contracts for difference (CFD), indeks, options dan instrumen keuangan derivatif lainnya, melibatkan tingkat resiko yang tinggi dan tidak cocok untuk semua kategori investor. Anda harus menyadari bahwa ada kemungkinan hilangnya sebagian atau semua investasi awal anda dan anda tidak dipaksa harus berinvestasi jika anda tidak siap untuk mengalami kerugian. Jika anda sudah mulai siap melakukan transaksi perdagangan, pastikan bahwa anda sepenuhnya menyadari resiko yang terkait dengan semua jenis perdagangan.

Profil perusahaan

Forexchief ltd. (nomor perusahaan №14777) yang dilisensikan oleh komisi jasa keuangan vanuatu sebagai dealer di sekuritas (lisensi pokok) sesuai dengan bab 4, ayat (1) (a) dari dealer di sekuritas (lisensi) penetapan [CAP. 70] sebagaimana telah diubah. Konsep dasar dari proyek ini adalah pembuatan platform unik untuk trading online dalam kontrak mata uang dan logam mulia dengan ketentuan trading margin. Fondasi infrastruktur teknologi proyek ini dibangun di atas model STP/NDD untuk menghindari tidak hanya konflik kepentingan antara perusahaan dan klien, tetapi juga secara umum meningkatkan kualitas layanan melalui spreads yang kecil dan juga eksekusi order trading dengan kecepatan tinggi.

Sebagai platform dasar, forexchief menawarkan metatrader 4/5 - platform trading paling populer untuk trading forex. Secara terpisah, klien institusional yang menawarkan layanan broker harus memperhatikan STP-gate yang terintegrasi ke dalam metatrader 4/5 yang dapat menghubungkan likuiditas melalui akun trading reguler pada platform metatrader 4/5 dengan input usaha minimal.

Perusahaan memberikan perhatian khusus pada stabilitas teknis dari server trading dan perangkat lunak yang disediakan kepada klien untuk transaksi trading. Teknologi yang dikembangkan untuk agregasi likuiditas serta sistem administrasi mereka didasarkan pada solusi cluster, di mana tingkat kehandalan yang tinggi di bawah beban abnormal dapat dipertahankan (terutama di mana ada sejumlah besar order yang datang dari klien ke server trading ketika berita ekonomi telah dipublikasikan).

Forexchief memiliki jenis akun "cent" (cent-MT4.Directfx, cent-MT4.Classic+, cent-MT5.Directfx dan cent-MT5.Classic+), yang balance nya melebihi akun standar seratus kali lipat. Dengan begitu, jika seorang trader melakukan deposit ke akun cent dengan jumlah USD 100 dan transfer berhasil dilakukan, itu berarti jumlah 10.000 cent (yaitu 100 kali lebih banyak) akan dikreditkan ke akun, karena cent USD adalah mata uang pada akun tersebut. Akun "cent" adalah akun yang sangat dibutuhkan, baik untuk trader pemula dan trader yang berpengalamannya tidak memungkinkan mereka untuk berinvestasi dengan modal yang signifikan dan untuk para trader profesional yang tujuannya adalah menyetel dan menguji robot trading dalam kondisi pasar real. Selain itu jenis akun ini memberikan peluang untuk melakukan pengujian komprehensif dalam transaksi dengan perusahaan dan tidak mengambil resiko dengan deposit besar.

Penting untuk dicatat bahwa hanya order klien dengan ukuran dari 1.000 unit mata uang dasar yang sama dengan 0,01 lot di akun MT4.Directfx, MT4.Classic+, MT5.Directfx dan MT5.Classic+, akan dikirimkan ke rekanan(pihak ketiga). Dengan cara ini, untuk semua order yang ukurannya di bawah 1.000 unit mata uang dasar, perusahaan bertindak sebagai dealer ("pihak kedua" dari transaksi).


  • Company forexchief ltd.

  • Founded in 2014

  • Online since 2015

  • Offices in

  • Bitcoin

  • Bitcoin cash

  • Credit/debit cards

  • Ethereum

  • Fasapay

  • Litecoin

  • Local bank transfer

  • Neteller

  • Perfect money

  • QIWI

  • Ripple

  • Skrill

  • Tether (USDT)

  • Unionpay

  • Webmoney

  • Wire transfer

  • Yandex.Money

  • Euro

  • Great britain pound

  • Japanese yen

  • Russian rouble

  • Swiss franc

  • United states dollar

  • Arabic

  • Bengali/bangla

  • Chinese

  • English

  • Hindi

  • Indonesian

  • Portuguese

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Ukrainian

Account types:

  • Hedging

  • Overnight interest rates (swaps)

  • Trailing stop

  • Pending orders

  • One-click trading

  • Mobile trading

  • Automated trading

  • Forex 1:1000

  • Gold & silver 1:200

  • CFD 1:50

  • Oil 1:100

  • Metals 1:200

  • Energies 1:100

  • Cryptocurrencies 1:10

  • Hedging

  • Overnight interest rates (swaps)

  • Trailing stop

  • Pending orders

  • One-click trading

  • Mobile trading

  • Automated trading

  • Forex 1:1000

  • Gold & silver 1:200

  • CFD 1:50

  • Oil 1:100

  • Metals 1:200

  • Energies 1:100

  • Cryptocurrencies 1:10

  • Hedging

  • Overnight interest rates (swaps)

  • Trailing stop

  • Pending orders

  • One-click trading

  • Mobile trading

  • Automated trading

  • Forex 1:1000

  • Gold & silver 1:200

  • CFD 1:50

  • Oil 1:100

  • Metals 1:200

  • Energies 1:100

  • Cryptocurrencies 1:10

  • Hedging

  • Overnight interest rates (swaps)

  • Trailing stop

  • Pending orders

  • One-click trading

  • Mobile trading

  • Automated trading

  • Forex 1:1000

  • Gold & silver 1:200

  • CFD 1:50

  • Oil 1:100

  • Metals 1:200

  • Energies 1:100

  • Cryptocurrencies 1:10

  • Hedging

  • Overnight interest rates (swaps)

  • Trailing stop

  • Pending orders

  • One-click trading

  • Mobile trading

  • Automated trading

  • Forex 1:400

  • Gold & silver 1:200

  • CFD 1:50

  • Oil 1:100

  • Metals 1:200

  • Energies 1:100

  • Cryptocurrencies 1:10

  • Hedging

  • Overnight interest rates (swaps)

  • Trailing stop

  • Pending orders

  • One-click trading

  • Mobile trading

  • Automated trading

  • Forex 1:400

  • Gold & silver 1:200

  • CFD 1:50

  • Oil 1:100

  • Metals 1:200

  • Energies 1:100

  • Cryptocurrencies 1:10

  • Hedging

  • Overnight interest rates (swaps)

  • Trailing stop

  • Pending orders

  • One-click trading

  • Mobile trading

  • Automated trading

  • Forex 1:400

  • Gold & silver 1:200

  • CFD 1:50

  • Oil 1:100

  • Metals 1:200

  • Energies 1:100

  • Cryptocurrencies 1:10

  • Hedging

  • Overnight interest rates (swaps)

  • Trailing stop

  • Pending orders

  • One-click trading

  • Mobile trading

  • Automated trading

  • Forex 1:400

  • Gold & silver 1:200

  • CFD 1:50

  • Oil 1:100

  • Metals 1:200

  • Energies 1:100

  • Cryptocurrencies 1:10


66 reviews of forexchief are presented here. All reviews represent only their author's opinion, which is not necessarily based on the real facts.

I think forexchief is perfect for both experienced and inexperienced forex traders. There is the beginner account type, and then there is the expert account type. Mt4 is the most friendly trading platform here, if you want to go higher, you can use the mt5. Both versions are available with forexchief. They thought of everything to suit all kinds of traders. Lastly, there is no restriction of trading strategies. Scalping, hedging, news trading are all allowed. Perfecto

This broker offers one of the best trading servers I have ever seen. It is freaky fast even on news trading. They provide good opportunities for market analysis. Once you login to the mt4, the charts are turned on instantly as if you never left.

Some other servers would take a few minutes to load, but not this one. Many of my colleagues were surprised when I showed them. Only a few brokers have this kind of server that is fast and no regular freezing. More success for me

All key information about forexchief is present on their website. This is an honest broker with no hidden charges. Some of the issues I had was because I did not read through the account type pages to know what features are present in each account type. Forexchief is perfect for me. My advice to anyone is to make sure to ask questions before doing anything. I have access to 1:1000 leverage here. No issues

I have been trading with forexchief for the last 2 years and got a lot of support from opening accounts, document verification and trading consultation. If the spread is larger and it was not as promised, they reimburse with the spread charged or widened, funding and withdrawing are smooth without any hassles. Overall a decent broker and good support.

This is a very professional broker to use. The staff on chat department is amazingly good and has vast knowledge of forex. She answers all my questions with precision and patience. This is the first impression that made me register and started trading with forexchief. Every other thing is fine as well. All I hear about the broker giving 1:1000 leverage and big bonuses is actually true.

I have used other trading tools like ctrader before, it was okay. But I learned forex with mt4, so it was nice to finally find a broker with mt4 and mt5 that is really good on spreads and leverage. Forexchief offers excellent service and low trade commission.

Trading forex from hungary is made easy for me by forexchief. They have three good payment systems and work well with my country and I am treated well as an elite client. I love the attention the broker gives to traders with small or big investment. First, the website is easy to navigate, deposit is easy, withdrawal is fast. Trading is smooth and fruitful with this broker. I look forward to many years of making profit.

Forexchief amazing broker, efficient team! They are very helpful with their customers, and if anyone looking for a good broker I think forexchief is the best choice.

This is a broker with offshore regulation, but I am very much impressed with their services. My first deposit was 2000$, and then another 8000$ after all was well. So right now I have approx 14k used with this broker. I made 2k withdrawals last week. All is well, and all is fast. I love it here.

Not bad for a broker outside the EU and U.S. In fact, I noticed forexchief has better execution of order, less slippage and requotes. Also stop orders are triggered perfectly. I use bank transfer for deposit and withdraw, more comfortable, but not as fast as other payment methods. Still, I get my funds within 48 hours most times. I will continue to use this service longer than I planned

This is one of the best brokers I have used since I started trading. I like the fact that they want me to succeed. They don't cancel my profit or do regular checkups on my trades, which was a serious issue with another broker. The forexchief mt4 server is one of the fastest I have used. It is really nice to use a broker that supports you all the way.

Forexchief allows me to sell my signals to subscribers around the world and I can choose if I want to copy the movements of other more experienced investors, that is a very positive aspect of them

I think every trader out there should use forexchief. There is flexible account types to accommodate any kind of trader. I use a micro and standard account. There is no fixed spread, only variable. I do like fixed spread, but the variable spreads seems more advantageous and far lower than fixed spreads. There is no deposit fee.

In my journey to find a good broker that offers high leverage, I chose forexchief. It is regulated by the ifsc. This regulation is not as good as the u.S or a.U. But I am not easily fooled by top regulations, a broker who wants to screw you will do, and these days the regulatory agents don't help us traders. So what is the use choking myself with bad trading conditions from highly regulated brokers. Besides, they will never offer 1:1000 leverage as forexchief does, no will they give me low spreads as I get now. So traders like myself have to sacrifice regulation to get my leverage needs as long as the broker has a long history of integrity and good reputation. Forexchief ticked all my requirements. Am in 100%, and right now I am enjoying my trades, ripping the profit off the market

I like being able to copy transactions through social trading, which is very useful for me because I can make the same entries or analyze them for later entries, the withdrawal of funds is convenient and fast.

Submit your review

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By submitting a forex broker review to earnforex.Com you confirm that you grant us rights to publish and change this review at no cost and without any warranties.Make sure that you are entering a valid email address. A confirmation link will be sent to this email. Reviews posted from a disposable e-mail address (e.G. Example@mailinator.Com) will not be published. Please submit your normal e-mail address that can be used to contact you.

Please, try to avoid profanity and foul language in the text of your review, or it will be declined from publishing.

No deposit bonus $50, in indonesian – forexchief

Welcome bonus is a 50 USD bonus offered by forexchief – it is perhaps the most convenient way to check the company’s services and test the trading strategy chosen. The no deposit bonus is credited automatically and does not require any documents for personal data verification. All trading techniques and strategies are allowed, including trading robots (EA).

Welcome no deposit bonus credit in indonesian

Ending date: december 31, 2021

Offer is applicable: new trader

How to apply:

  • Open a new account

  • Pass the verification

  • Apply for the bonus being a new trader to the broker.

Bonus withdrawal: only profits can be withdrawn as below

  • Need to trade 23 standard lot to withdraw profits

  • Fund $50 for payment verification which can be withdrawn immediately

  • The maximum withdrawal amount is $100

Terms and conditions – forexchief NO deposit bonus

EA and automated trades are allowed.

The detailed procedure you can find in the video guide.

For getting a $50 USD welcome bonus, it is required to open a live account.

$5 forex no deposit bonus – meefx

Free $50 no deposit bonus – GNT capital

$50 welcome no deposit bonus – tradehall

300 USC no deposit bonus – freshforex

$30 new year no deposit bonus – justforex

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$50 no deposit bonus scheme – topfx

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It’s a bad broker and don’t believe comments below, they seem paid agents or workers for this broker.

Mohd ariff bin mohd jamil says :

I wish to get the free trade usd50 for no deposit bonus or welcome bonus.

Best broker I have used so far. I registered in 2018 and got $100 bonus without deposit or ID verification. 2 months later I made a deposit and started making profit. I’ve withdrawn more than $5000 since then, in profit. The spreads are low and execution is good for news. Best broker ever.

I’ve tested this broker and now I have confidence with my money trading on the forexchief mt4 platform. The broker offers 1:1000 leverage and very low spreads. I withdraw profit every two weeks and it is always fast. I use perfecmoney to withdraw my money all the time. Very honest broker.

If this mother**** broker are scamming people with bonus would I be glad to invest my own real money…….Nay

This is 2020 and forexchief is still active with even lower spreads and superb order execution. Making profit has even become easier. Customer service are more responsive than before. The bonuses come with terms and condition and one can be easily disqualified. Still, it is a great broker for serious trading.

Last year, I got $100 bonus without depositing first. I think they now have $500 welcome bonus for new traders. You should check and apply for it. I am no longer new, so only the deposit bonus of 100% I can use. I have no issues taking profits from this broker. It is honest broker.

Nice . Can withdraw then turnover complete…

Best broker so far……you can wd your profit on sundar
excellent broker

After 1000 lots. This is subjucation and slavery for that ho try to trade this bonus for 100$

Actually its a turn-over not lots.. 50 lots = 5 milion turn over you can do it faster than u think every micro lot traded give abit more than 1k of turn over and they have spread almost 0 so u can scalp it i did when the promo was about 20$ and had no limit of withdraw..I have to agree that max 100$ really sux but if u have no cash u can get it and open an ECN account in another place like XM

Good forex broker! Fast order execution, low spread level. I managed to fulfill the conditions of the bonus. Money removed from account without any problems.

Echeonwu ndabuike timothy says :

Indeed, they let us trade on their money. The bonus was successfully withdrawn as a result, as soon as he made the necessary turn. Honestly, I did not expect this. Now I’m already trading for my money, sometimes in plus, sometimes in negative. I am still studying and studying, but there are all the tools, it is only necessary to study everything deeper.

One of the most generous brokers for a no deposit bonus. It would seem that only $ 20 is allowed to trade. But the conditions here are such that I eventually managed to withdraw about $ 60 without making my own deposit. Now, I have a real account here, I’m trying to trade with larger amounts. It turns out, how not surprising. And the fact that there is a leverage of 1 to 400, duck is good. In general, it’s even less necessary to do it.

And I did not like the support service. Turned for the first time in a year, the situation arose, which had to be solved immediately, my nerves are dear to me. They did not answer for long, about an hour. Well, everything was decided afterwards, but I was overworking. Here it would be necessary to eliminate such delays. And everything else is fine, for good reason I’m trading here.

And you are paid agent of broker and we all know that…. LOL…. This stupid method not gonna work people are not foolish like you

This is broker is fraud after complete the turnover not give the withdraw fake fake fake


LOL you have passion but hey what pro traders are these? AHAHAHAH

Specially decided to register with the company to get a bonus. There is nothing complicated to get it. But for some reason my phone did not work. I had to ask for another phone, a new one. Getting a bonus through QR code – I see it for the first time. I do not understand why they write that the broker is SCAM? There are many positive reviews in google.

They write this for a few reasons…1 – noobs blowing free account after free account …2 – decoys from another brokers trying to devalue whatever brokers show in this kind of website.

Read the reviews, and they are all different. While he did not register the account with the broker, he did not understand anything. I say 100% that the bonus is completely worked out by me. To get $ 100 really without making your own deposit. Brought money for one day. Before you scold the broker, you first start trading here.

There are many offers with a bonus without a deposit among forex brokers. There are small bonuses, such as 10$, and there are big ones, like the foreschif – 100$. I always believed that it is impossible to fulfill the conditions of the broker, since the bonus is large. I was wrong. To my surprise, I made the right trading turnover. Money was transferred to neteller in three hours, as I applied.

Forexchief is a big scam says :

They won’t give you a shit, damn scammers, after i complete the condition they cancelled bonus, my friend did the same and they cancelled the bonus as well. Stay a way from this shity broker. I swear they will cancel the bonus. I dare you to prove anything wrong with this two accounts, mine and my friend’s account 1032457 and 1033242.

Yeah seriously a scam technic, and slavery programme, i prefer to use my own $100 to get $10 everyday and no need to trade until 0.3 lot daily, and this shitty broker ask to trade 1000 lot, what a waste.
Guys do not join broker like this.
This definitely a scam programme, and if you want to be in a better broker, try XM. Com, its better with spread and margin. Or if you have a more money i suggest join IG.Com a broker from australia, it the best broker for lowest spread as i know and safe broker you can deposit your big money.

They did not cancel the method of withdrawal you tried didnt work and you were supposed to try another method lol

1000 lot hhhhhhhhhhhhhh its so funny i cant stop hhhh

SCAM? ITS EASY TO WITHDRAWL >> in 7 day complete 45lot /10.000.000 turnover

U just need 45 lot … 100$ go fast up to trading .When balance 300$ . Go play lot 0.5 in 2 open position . Sell n buy .. Fast close position … easy to complete 45 lot … i need 7 day to complete turnover 10.000.000 / or 45 lot . U say scam ? Stupid dont play forex trading again

I had to deal with bad brokers. Personally, I found a broker forexchief for myself, and I consider him decent in relation to the trader. For almost a year I have been trading on their platform and for all the time there have been no big problems. This is a real ECN-broker, checked. In addition, the technical support service works well, as the answer to the question can be obtained in a few minutes.

Worst support I’ve ever faced:

Your question:
please wait and one of our operators will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with joshua torres – general questions
10:33joshua torres:
hi, how can I help you today?
hello, to receive no deposit bonus which account type leverage and currency should I select?
10:36joshua torres:
you can choose the leverage
first, what account type?
10:38joshua torres:
any standard account
acc currency?
you there?
why taking so long for simple questions?
10:42joshua torres:
and also the leverage any, right?
10:43joshua torres:
10:44joshua torres:
no restrictions
I selected ACCOUNT TYPE: MT4. Directfx and it opened cent-MT4. Directfx
10:46joshua torres:
I said you need to choose any standard account
10:46joshua torres:
not a cent account
yes I chose MT4.Directfx but on next page i received password for cent-MT4.Directfx
10:47joshua torres:
10:48joshua torres:
it is not possible
it is there
10:48joshua torres:
after account is opened, you got email with MT4 LOGIN and PASSWORD try to find this email (also please check SPAM)
yes also in email it says the cent acc.
10:51joshua torres:
at the moment, you have created only one cent account
but I want MT4. Directfx and no deposit bonus of $100 in it
10:51joshua torres:
create a standard account to receive a bonus
10:52joshua torres:
account type MT4. Directfx
why you didnt tell the first?
I asked you what acc type should I select for no deposit bonus
terrific service
let it go away
10:53joshua torres:
I dont want to check spreads and acc.
the support is pathetic
10:54joshua torres:
no need. I cant trust anymore and dont want to wate time
have a nice time ahead
10:55joshua torres:
remove the account I just opened
delete all my personal information from your database
do not send me any promotional offer email or newsletters
got it?
10:56joshua torres:
12:24:28]mit: delete all my personal information from your database///please create a ticket here

Forexchief – welcome bonus $100


Promotion name: welcome no deposit bonus $100

How to get:
1. Open a standard live account (MT4.Directfx or MT4.Classic+).
2. Install on your mobile device the welcome bonus application from app store or google play.
3. Scan the QR code located in the personal area.

Withdrawal requirements:
in order to withdraw the bonus and profits you must obtain trading turnover of at least 10,000,000 USD (50 round turn lots). Maximum profit that you can withdraw is $100.

More information:
the welcome bonus has unlimited duration.
It is strictly prohibited re-getting welcome bonus.

Information about the broker:
forexchief is a broker licensed by the vanuatu financial services commission. The broker has offices in vanuatu, switzerland, singapore and nigeria.

Promotion valid: the promotion is over.

Do you recommend this bonus?

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It seems to me that forexchief is the best of the current traders, it has a library of free indicators, scripts and they give you personalized attention in case of any questions or needs you have in a cordial and effective way.

I like that forexchief allows me to have in its app and web platform a detailed history of all my orders, transactions, among others … that is great not to have many complications to make my detailed inquiries

I like the forexchief affiliate program, it allows me to have a constant income, and this broker does not have an mtr, that is, it has no minimum opening or closing price, which seems to me to be something of the most advantageous to work comfortably.

I like forexchief because it has a wide variety of technical analysis that allows me to get the most out of the assets I have invested and leave a good profit margin.

Although it could be improved, it seems to me that forexchief is a super complete and intuitive broker, it has tools with a very low margin of error and it is appreciated.

When I started my forexchief demo account I realized how versatile it is to invest in cent accounts, to gain the confidence to start making bigger investments little by little, and multiply my income.

Forexchief has an MT4 / 5 platform that according to what I have been researching is quite popular in the market, I have been using their mobile terminal for ios and androit, so I stay active no matter where I am.

I like that forexchief thinks about its users and keeps them informed with economic and financial news within the terminal, that helps a lot when making decisions, regarding what is invested and what is not invested.

I like their platform, it is modern and easy to understand, the tools they provide are very up-to-date even in their app. I am with them for their low commission and for their ideal commercial credits for when I see good investment opportunities

From forexchief I would like to highlight its indicators, scripts, robots and utilities, accurate as well as easy to understand, I have already been able to withdraw through neteller quickly and safely

I feel very comfortable working with forexchief and I can do practically everything from the app, ideal for following up and keeping an eye on opportunities.

I like to think that we all have the option of being successful, so I did not refuse to try the forexchief broker when they recommended it to me, I started with very little, to minimize losses and now that I have been practicing ordering and managing the deposit for a while , withdrawal of funds and handling of the platform I feel that it will go very well, I am happy with its operation

I am a trader and entrepreneur I like to study ways to grow my money and it can be said that with forexchief I have learned to make good decisions thanks to your commercial signals, your technical support has also been very useful to me.

I like that when I open the forexchief app I can make transactions directly from the graph of the trading instrument, which seems really practical when I want to manage my orders

I like to invest 10% of my earnings in forexchief because I like to be proactive in my finances, also with the tools that it provides me it makes it much easier to make my entries

Excellent tools and scripts, useful as well as accurate help me a lot to make my posts

Hello everyone, I will give you my experience with the forexchief broker, at the beginning I was disappointed that I did not qualify in the initial bonus, but I kept working it, its leverage system was what hooked me, I still use it and it has become a great ally of my finances.

I like the forexchief app that has access to all the forex brokers that are licensed by the company metaquotes, to consult them on the comfort of my smartphone

So far I have been deposited $ 100 through skrill’s electronic wallets. If I faced any kind of problem or didn’t understand something, I just contacted the helpdesk and they quickly solved my problem. Sometimes I visit the youtube channel of forexchief to expand my knowledge of forex trading that I need, since I am something new … there are analysis and trading signals, market reviews, free FX signals, technical analysis, economic calendar and many things that gave me knowledge, I think forexchief is a very professional agent

My opinion on forexchief is positive, I have been able to use my trading bots with them, the MQL4 built-in programming is the most recommended by experts to generate trading signals and trading robots.

When I started with forexchief I qualified for the welcome bonus and it is something that helped me a lot when making better tickets, besides the low commission is something that helps me generate income when I make low entries.

I like to be sure when it comes to investing and because I like to have a demo account to make transactions in cents, it gives me the security I need when investing in my main account. It is possible to say that it is a broker that fulfilled my expectations

I like forexchief because it has a wide variety of technical analyzes that allow me to take full advantage of the assets I have invested and leave a good profit margin.

It is recommended that you include the currency exchange icon or pair for when we are operating it is easier for us users, that is my observation of forexchief

Making entries is very comfortable with forexchief because of the simplicity of its interface and I can quickly connect even when the connection is low, it has good leverage and very useful tools.

The function of the metatrader 4 application for ios allows the broker to receive the information in real time from the financial markets, that is very useful for me, that’s why I use forexchief.

I think it is important that forexchief gives me access in your app and web platform a detailed history of all my orders, transactions, among others … that is fantastic not to have many complications to make my detailed inquiries and then fill my journal of investment movements.

Am new to forex and forexchief was my first broker. Why I choose them I don’t know but their 500$ attracted me. So I deposited $500 and got another 500$ free as bonus. They said I can withdraw it anytime. I was not interested in withdrawing yet, just want to trade and make profit. So after a few profit I placed withdraw form, and I got money in 10 hours. This is my first testimony. Very fast broker in everything

Thank you for this review. I did not know this until I read your comment. I deposited $200 and I got $400 in my account balance. The terms are easy to withdraw with this new bonus. I love it. My colleagues made very positive comments about forexchief, that is why I decided to trade with them. They were right all along.

I created a demo account out of curiosity and it should be noted that I do not expect that I had such good advice, I think to create a main account after practicing a little how to make my movements when investing, and try everything that forexchief has to offer me.

One of the positive aspects that I have been able to observe in forexchief, in the time that I have been using it is that they give you, in addition to the demo account, several types of options to choose from, between the mt4 / 5, classic or with a different aspect .

Nothing is more important in the investment of currencies than having an agent that provides serious and reputable support, which helps to make decisions with a cold mind and with less worries, so I use forexchief, it keeps me moving forward day by day.

Great bonus from a nice broker. I remember using this bonus back then. It was given to me after following the procedure. No ID needed. I have been using forexchief mt4 since then and its been perfect. I love and highly recommend this broker.

With my MT5 forexchief account, I was able to use a full range of commercial assets, currencies, spot metals, cfds on stocks, raw materials, among others … I can check this in the “single window” mode before investing or taking any action with my funds

The mt4 forexchief application allows me to track all my investments in real time, no matter where I check it, when I leave the university or in the comfort of my home, that is definitely a plus.

You have the possibility to sell your successful transactions as commercial signals, I feel very safe with forexchief because the withdrawal of money is fast and without problems.

I am starting with this broker, I have seen different opinions, I have not yet retired, but it seems that the leniency is legal, I recommended this agent in an economy forum that I frequent and at this moment I do not see anything strange. I opened a classic account

You have the possibility to sell your successful transactions as commercial signals, I feel very safe with forexchief because the withdrawal of money is fast and without problems.

I have got the bonus today. They allowed me to trade with it. There are no issues so far. I love this broker because they are true to their promises and have very good platform.

I’ve been with forexchief for 3 months, and I thought that their technical service is very attentive. Another thing I liked was the light, fast vps service with which I can access my information quickly from anywhere. I just need the internet.

What I like about the forexchief app is that it has access to all the forex brokers that are licensed by the metaquotes company, to consult them in the comfort of my smartphone

I think it is a good broker to start with because it gives you comfort when making decisions, that I think is an important commercial signal, technical support and tools available to have detailed information of commercial movements.

I got the bonus pretty faster than I expected. I thought I would have to submit documents first. I only scanned the QR code on my page and the bonus appeared in my account. It was awesome. 100USD just like that. I have been trading with that money; I have lost and gained, but yet to withdraw profit. Overall, the broker is a very nice platform to trade. Cool

Iam sure they are scam when i made $700 they block my account and cut my profit

Hello, I am trading with the bonus as well. I have made $200 profit and the broker told me I am free to withdraw the money. I have not withdrawn yet because I want my margin to remain at this level and grow it from there. My friend who introduced me was able to withdraw his money and he showed my proof before I agreed to use the bonus. Can you tell me what message they sent you?

Operating in intangible transactions such as, for example, investing in electronic currencies is a delicate matter and lends itself to many scams, forexchief has shown me that they are people of confidence and that at all times they are there to answer the doubts of their users.

Something that I think is very important when I subscribe to a service is that they have clear terms and conditions, the forexchief broker is quite specific with that area, they are quite responsible and the transactions in their platform are fast and effective.

The bonus was incredibly fast to get. This is the easiest bonus I have applied for. There were no rubbish rules and regulations. Now I am trading on a live account with the $100 in my account. Awesome.

Hello edwin…
I got 100$ bonus amount.. Now I still trade live account…. Today I earned total amount $298 …
how to withdrawal of the amount?

Guide me some information please sir…
email :

They are a promising company, I have been working for 3 months and their mt4 platform, enjoying their leverage system and low commissions, I went in to test if it was worth it and they have really given me a good surprise, I have already made my first withdrawal; forexchief is a good company

I feel comfortable with forexchief because I can make my tickets and follow them from the mobile to know when to remove them, I also have most of the tools from your app.

I was able to withdraw my bonus through skrill, I suppose some have not been able to do it because they do not comply with the broker’s requirements; forexchief is a responsible broker with low commissions that in my opinion are good

May i ask, how much did you make before withdrawal and how long did it take you to make it?

Getting the bonus was so easy. I think this is the quickest bonus I have got in a long time. I am so very happy that I was able to start a live account without depositing money to the broker. As a new trader, I am slowly making progress. The bonus is real and the terms stated that I can withdraw my profit after meeting the requirements. Depositing my own money is not one of the options. Thanks to forexchief.

I have alredy withdrawn my bonus, my expirience with forexchief has been good, so far they have been responsible and i feel comfortable in their platform, i do not think it will change broker yet

How much profit is withdraw-able from the $100 bonus ?

Do not waste your time. This is a very bad company. Even if you’re tired, they do not pay back. It says a variety of reasons

I traded with these guys. They are the best i have already seen. After attaining the terms and condition, i swiftly withdrew my $100

I have just received $100 is it really working

Trade 50 lost if have profit 500$ only can withdrawal 100$?


Anyone who was able to meet the withdrawal requirements and was he/she able to withdraw after that.

Spent a lot of time searching for a normal broker. With previous companies, it felt like they were not entirely honest. In the disputed moments, these brokers refer to some additional rules. Now, trading a long time on their platform, I can recommend this broker. At the moment, I do not see the prerequisites to change this brokerage company to another.

Got a bonus through QR code from the first time. I heard that not everyone can do it. Not all phone models support their application. All conditions on the bonus fulfilled. I did not withdraw money from the deposit, because I decided to continue trading with them. Now the account MT4.Directfx is opened. I use the maximum available leverage – 1: 400.

Great bonus! I was looking for a new broker, since the old one had problems. I chose a brokerage company among those who have positive reviews. I chose forex chief because it was possible to check the platform, thanks to a free bonus of $100. In the end, I checked the broker and earned $100. Two in one! I stopped on this broker. I will trade EUR/USD and USD/JPY.

I like most of all that the broker does not shake his nerves when withdrawing funds. And the rest depends on the trader. You know how to trade – you will earn, you do not know how – you will lose. Conditions are adequate, in technical terms, too, everything is fine. So I can recommend with a clear conscience.

I recently started trading. Forexchief is my first broker. I registered because of the bonus. Still conditions in general were normal. The support service answers quickly, questions are resolved without excuses and delays. You can earn even a beginner if you do everything right. Money deduced on a card some times.

I got the bonus I’ll see how far we can go

I got the bonus I’ll trade with them and see

They stollen my profit,by withdraw their self,it is scam no deposit bonus

I really like the service that forexchief has lent me, it is a modern platform, the withdrawals that I have made have been quick and its commercial signaling system has been very useful for me, besides being able to buy more tools to facilitate my work.

I was a able to withdraw the profit I made from the bonus. The broker screened my trades and allowed it, that I did not break any rule. Maybe you should have read the terms and conditions. I am still using forexchief and they have been a very good broker.

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Risk warning:
investors should be aware of the serious risks of investing in the forex market, binary options and other financial instruments. Trading on the forex and cfds using the leverage mechanism carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.

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Forexchief.Com review

Forexchief is a forex broker. Forex chief offers the MT4 and MT5 forex trading top platforms. Forexchief.Com offers over 35 forex currency pairs, gold, silver, oil, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for your personal investment and trading options.

Broker details

deposit methods: bank wire, VISA, mastercard, advcash, alipay, bitcoin, fasapay, local bank transfers, neteller, perfectmoney, qiwi, skrill, unionpay, webmoney

withdrawal methods: bank wire, VISA, mastercard, advcash, alipay, bitcoin, fasapay, local bank transfers, neteller, perfectmoney, qiwi, skrill, unionpay, webmoney

Live discussion

Join live discussion of forexchief.Com on our forum


Let other traders know if this service is worth checking or should be avoided.

Traders reviews

Not everyone reads instructions. I was hoping you will have this account without me asking to get swap free. My previous broker had this. Well, I am glad I was able to get swap free afterward. Thank you.

Jan 16, 2021 - 2 stars hello, my name is umeh, I am dropping this review so others may be careful when choosing this broker. If you want to use forexchief because they claim to give a swap-free account, don't do it. It is deceit on the broker's part to claim on a website that they have a swap-free option. I even asked customer service to confirm this before registration. I have the transcript of the chat in case the broker denies this. I have already deposited money with this broker but I cannot trade anymore because they did not give me an option for swap-free. I don't see the need to talk to anyone because I know they're going to keep playing me around. I have already put in a request to change the broker. I need a broker that offers swap-free unconditionally. I think any trader deserves the right to choose whether to use such an option or not. It is better forexchief removes this info from the website so that traders do not be deceived. I wonder what else is a lie.

Reply by forexchief submitted jan 20, 2021 dear mamary

It looks like you didn't read carefully the conditions. To get swap-free option you need to send request via ticket and wait confirmation from dealing dep.

Forex chief review and ratings

Company information

Forex chief is a forex broker located in the republic of vanuatu, regulated by the vanuatu financial services commission (VFSC).


Forex chief accepts clients from all over the world, excluding USA and some jurisdictions where restrictions apply.

Distinctive features

  • Simple registration and verification process.

  • Various bonus programs and trading contests.

  • Tight spreads on major currency pairs.

  • Cryptocurrency funding accepted.

Trading instruments

Forex broker offers the following underlying assets for trading.

40+ currency pairs based on major and minor world currencies.
5 crypto pair based on bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, litecoin, ripple.
10 indice cfds based on baskets of different blue-chip stocks.
2 metal cfds based on gold and silver.
3 energy cfds based on crude oil (WTI, brent) and natural gas.

Comprehensive review

Forex chief is a broker that has been operating in the market since 2014, is headquartered in the offshore jurisdiction vanuatu, and with additional offices in switzerland, singapore, and nigeria (abuja and ibadan).

An important thing to take note of regarding forex chief, however, is that it does not have any properly regulated entities anywhere in the world that could attest to the credibility of this broker. Although the broker is subject to some oversight from the vanuatu financial services commission (VFSC), this is a very loose form of regulatory oversight compared to what is typical in regions like the EU, australia and north america.

Thankfully though, loose oversight also comes with certain benefits for the user, such as the ability to set up and fund a trading account with cryptocurrencies more or less anonymously, as well as ultra-high leverage of up to 1:1,000 on certain trading instruments.

Forex chief also has a pretty strong line-up as far as trading instruments goes, with more than 40 popular forex pairs, as well as cfds on everything from gold & silver to energy commodities, stock indices, and a selection of cryptocurrencies. One thing we do miss, however, is a selection of single stocks to trade as cfds, which is not possible with forex chief.

All the assets offered by the broker are traded on either the metatrader 4 (MT4) or metatrader 5 (MT5) trading platforms. As usual, these platforms are available as either the standard downloadable version for windows, as a web-based version for use on any computer, or as mobile apps for tablets and smartphones.

The account types offered by the broker includes four different trading accounts for either the MT4 or MT5, in addition to a special islamic account:
– MT4/5.Directfx, with spreads from 0 pips and commissions of USD 15/roundtrip.
– MT4/5.Classic+, with spreads from 0.3 pips and no commissions.
– cent-MT4/5.Directfx, with spreads from 0 pips and commissions of USD 15/roundtrip.
– cent-MT4/5.Classic+, with spreads from 0.3 pips and no commissions.

All trading accounts have a minimum deposit requirement of USD 50, and allow for leverage of up to 1:1,000 on the most liquid assets.

Further, trading accounts with forex chief can conveniently be funded with either an international bank wire transfer or by making a credit/debit card payment with all major cards. In addition, a range of e-wallet services like skrill and neteller, and cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin are also accepted.

Finally, customer support is offered by forex chief via live chat on platforms such as skype, telegram, whatsapp and others, as well as on dedicated phone numbers for each of the broker’s regional representative offices. All offices offer support only within their own working hours, and 24-hour support is therefore unfortunately not available.

In conclusion, it is obvious that forex chief is a broker that has managed to capture a part of the important african and nigerian market since it first entered the business in 2014. We also like how the broker’s customer support team is available on several platforms, although we would have liked to see 24-hour support offered. All in all, however, forex chief is a broker with a good line-up of trading instruments combined with competitive spreads, and may therefore be a decent choice for traders.

Forexchief review - is forexchief.Com scam or good forex broker?

Trading accounts & conditions

Account type minimum deposit minimum trade size maximum leverage average spreads (& commission)
MT4.Directfx $1 0.01 1:400 0.4 pips + $3 /lot roundtrip
MT4.Classic+ $1 0.01 1:400 0.7 pips
cent-MT4.Directfx $1 0.01 1:400 0.4 pips + $3 /lot roundtrip
cent- MT4.Classic+ $1 0.01 1:400 0.7 pips

Forexchief offers its clients 2 basic account types – a commission-free MT4.Classic+ and MT4.Directfx, which offers tighter spreads, but a commission applies. Besides, there are 2 cent accounts, whose balance exceeds that of standard accounts hundredfold - indispensable option for beginners.

All account types provide leverage up to 1:400, the option to trade in micro lots and require no specific minimum initial deposit.

Indeed, the offering of forexchief seem attractive: there is not requirement for making a minimum deposit (however, keep in mind that in order to make transactions, a sufficient amount of money must be available on the trading account.) what is more, trading costs on all account types amount to an average of 0.7 pips per standard lot for the EUR/USD pair, while most brokers offer spreads within the range of 1.0 – 1.5 pips for this pair.

The company. Security of funds

Established in 2014, forexchief is an offshore broker, licensed by the vanuatu financial services commission as a dealer in securities (principal’s license). It has offices in singapore and moscow and offers trading in forex and precious metals on the metatrader 4 platform.

Vanuatu (formerly known as the new hebrides islands) offers a variety of tax benefits - no income tax, no capital gains tax nor inheritance tax. Besides, registration process for forex and binary brokers is fast and low cost and that is why this jurisdiction is so popular.

In addition, capital requirements in vanuatu are very low, amounting to $2000.

According to us, offshore regulated brokers should be avoided as a general rule, no matter what their claims are, as the rules and requirements applicable to them are very lax, if any. That is why, we would advise you to select a forex broker licensed in UK, or cyprus for instance, where regulation is strict and there are compensation schemes, which will protect your money if your broker becomes insolvent.

Trading platform

Like most brokers, forexchief supports the most popular trading platform, metatrader 4 (MT4), available as desktop, and mobile versions.

It earned its reputation due to its ease of use and various useful functionalities that allow the traders not only to make transactions but also analyze market dynamics, to automate their trades via wide range of expert advisors (eas) and to back-test their strategies.

This broker offers $20 welcome no deposit bonus. The bonus and/or the profit can be withdrawn only after trading turnover at the account achieved 1,000,000 USD.

Methods of payment

Forexchief offers its clients 2 payment methods: bank wire transfer, credit/debit card, and e-wallets skrill, webmoney, fasapay and qiwi.


Forexchief is another offshore broker registered in vanuatu that offers online trading on the MT4 platform. Our main concern with it is the loose regulation, otherwise its offerings seem attractive. Here are, in a nutshell, the advantages and disadvantages of forexchief:

Pros cons
tight spreads & low commission offshore broker with loose regulation
low minimum initial requirement no indices and stock cfds
STP/NDD model no choice of trading platforms, no web-based one
MT4 platform available
cent accounts

Latest news about forexchief

FXTM a regulated forex broker (regulated by cysec, FCA and FSC), offering ECN trading on MT4 an MT5 platforms. Traders can start trading with as little as $10 and take advantage of tight fixed and variable spreads, flexible leverage and swap-free accounts.

XM is broker with great bonuses and promotions. Currently we are loving its $30 no deposit bonus and deposit bonus up to $5000. Add to this the fact that it’s EU-regulated and there’s nothing more you can ask for.

FXCM is one of the biggest forex brokers in the world, licensed and regulated on four continents. FXCM wins our admirations with its over 200,000 active live accounts and daily trading volumes of over $10 billion.

Fxpro is a broker we are particularly keen on: it’s regulated in the UK, offers metatrader 4 (MT4) and ctrader – where the spreads start at 0 pips, level II pricing and full market depth. And the best part? With fxpro you get negative balance protection.

Fxchoice is a IFSC regulated forex broker, serving clients from all over the world. It offers premium trading conditions, including high leverage, low spreads and no hedging, scalping and FIFO restrictions.

Hotforex is a EU regulated broker, offering wide variety of trading accounts, including auto, social and zero spread accounts. The minimum intial deposit for a micro account is only $50 and is combined with 1000:1 leverage - one of the highest in the industry.

Broker country regulation platform min deposit review
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$100 review website
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Traders` reviews for forexchief




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Customer service


Forexchief is fraud broker. Confirm fraud

My name is allah daad and i am 46 year old man and in forex trading since last 11 years.
My account with forexchief is 1215495 witch i have registered at
10.5.19 to get there 100 $ wellcome bonus for cheking there services.But when i read the rivews about this broker then i was afraid to choose it as my permanent broker.
But after 1 month i decide to check them by there 100 $ wellcome bonus as i have no fear to loss my money.
So i scan the code via aplication and they add 100 $ in my account.
I start the trading.
During trading i was remain in touch with there support for asking my trading turnover.
In 4 days i have complete there huge mountain of turnover nearly 45 lots and my remaining profit
105 $.
I have found there spreads very good.So i asked there support that i want to continue trading with them and dont want to withdrawal.
So they happily advice me to open a new account and submit a support ticket to transfer funds in new account.So i have done this.
After that i decide to check there withdrawal services so i submit a withdrawal request and update the ticket not no transfer the balance and sent withdrawal.
And surprised to see the reply in ticket that the bonus offer ended at 11.6.19 so i can not withdrawal. And they reset my trading account 0000 and delete all trade history.
Now the points witch i have noted, that confirm this broker as a fraud are these.
If they closed there offer at 11.6.19
than why they gave me bonus at 13.6.19.
If they gave bonus by mistake then why they not writenoff it when i was trading and in touch with there support for trading turnover.
When i chat with them and they checked my trading history why there support not telling me that this offer ended and dont waist the time.
When i complete turnover and asked them to transfer money in 2nd account, everything was fine.
But when i submit withdrawal request they reject the bonus.
After this i asked there chat that why they not told me that i can not withdrawal and bonus ended at 11.6.19. They told me it is not possible that your withdrawl rejected and take 15 mint to confirm and they say sorry that he can not help me.
After that i submit a ticket and got horrible reply that i have used technical maintanence to get there bonus at 13.6.19 while offer ended at 11.6.19.
It means they called me international hacker who hacked there system for getting there bloody 100 $ bonus.Strange.Hahaha.
Now they delete my member area and not replying on live chat.
I dont know the traders who post a nagitive rivews here and why they changed them in good rivew. I think they have done this only for money.
This broker is realy a fraud and scame broker.
Now let me clear what he getted by this 100 $ bonus.
If someone loss this bonus then broker loss nothing becouse they dont sent the trades in market and it just like a demo account loss.
But when traders earn money and they found him in profit then his trades sent in markets and they earn money by spreads and commission.Now only from me they have earn above 400 $ by my 45 lots trading and also take back there 100 $ and take my 105 $ profit also by creating any reason.
So they earn 505 $ only from me.
Now they offer 500 $ bonus instead of 100 $. Hahaha.
This is an other good trap for snatching money.Read there terms.
I explain it here.
You can not loss the bonus but only can trade.It mean you can use huge volume to trade and let your account wash fastly and when you loss reache at your own funds they writenoff ther bonus and your account washed.
You have to trade huge volume of trading with your own funds for getting withdrawal there bonus.And in this try you lost your funds. If you complete all condition then they reject your withdrawal by creating any reason.
Dont waist time . This is confirm a fraud broker.

I am an old trader and in forex trading from 11 years.So i advjse you dear forex traders and new comers dont choose this broker.Even not get there bonuses that these are only waist of time and it will ended in frustation and tention.


Enableno, thanks
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guest - international helpdesk (EN)
sunday, 27 january 2019
conversation #32828
hello. Is hedging allowed?
hedging is allowed
conversation #34114
hello, will i be able to withdraw the profit i make over the 100 dollars welcome bonus? Like if i make 50 dollars priffit and i have 150 in my account, can i withdraw 50 dollars?
You will be able to withdraw from the bonus account maximum 100 USD only after trading turnover of the account is 10 000 000 USD (this is about 40-50 lots in MT4, depends on pair). One traded lot brings on average 200 000 - 250 000 USD of the trading turnover regardless of profit.

You can check your turnover in your personal area here https://my.Forexchief.Com/en/bonuses-credits/welcome-bonus/ via this method:

You can find full conditions here:
not from the bonus, just the profit
doesn't matter
you will be able to withdraw from the bonus account balance maximum 100 USD only after trading turnover of the account is 10 000 000 USD
so if i deposit 100 and make proffit its the same?
It is possible but there are restrictions for welcome bonus. If you deposit the account with welcome bonus, you will be able to withdraw maximum only = your own funds + 100 USD, all other funds will be canceled and account become a zero.

trader got 100 USD bonus and also replenished account by own 200 USD. Then trader closed 45 lots EURUSD, which means that trading turnover at the account achieved 10,000,000 USD. The balance of funds on the account after the turnover equals $550. In this case, the trader will be able to withdraw only $300, the remaining amount of $250 will be canceled.

this is a scam, thank you ,i allmost deposited money. And your spread is a scam as well. I
11.1.4. For accounts MT4.Directfx, MT4.Classic+, cent-MT4.Directfx and cent-MT4.Classic+ spreads are not fixed and
can be significantly extended because of low liquidity or high volatility, especially at the moment of publication of
economic news.
You can find full text of the client agreement here: https://www.Forexchief.Com/trading-conditions/documents/
samples of agreements
samples of agreements forexchief
yeah, this is going to fca.
Is there anything else I can help you with?
Yes, cancel my account
one account can not be cancelled. We can delete your personal area in forexchief with all of its accounts. Please, confirm your request via ticket here: https://my.Forexchief.Com/en/support/ticket/
enter message

No complains

Am a scalper, but it seems the broker does not like aggressive scalping eas. I had to test run another EA and it worked fine. I was able to withdraw profits made. Manual scalping was allowed as well. No complains about this broker so far.

Trade complain

I have a complain regarding trading.. I opened an account on the 12-05-2018 had to wait for the market to open on sunday so i dd. I placed trade as soon as the market opened it did not even start counting, within a second or two i was cut out.I checked if just maybe the was a big movement i did not know about, the market wa moving very slow as usual but i was cut out with a loss of -86,19

Complain about fake company

I am trading on company call it omega trade and it is old name was boom forex I think and now the owner closed the accounts of the traders and disappeared!!
Please inform the people about the company

so, let's see, what we have: forexchief - reliable online forex broker. Spreads from 0 pips. MT4 and MT5. Leverage up to 1:1000. Cent accounts. Welcome bonus $500. Affiliate CPA up to $300. At forex chief

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