Instaforex account type
Selain daripada fakta bahawa akaun insta.Eurica akan membolehkan pedagang baru untuk memahami pasaran menggunakan sistem yang lebih mudah daripada menjalankan operasi perdagangan, akaun jenis ini juga boleh digunakan oleh pedagang profesional memandangkan ciri-ciri perdagangannya adalah sama seperti akaun insta.Standard.
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Akaun perdagangan jenis ini adalah amat disyorkan kepada pedagang baru kerana ia tidak perlu mengambil kira spreads sekiranya 'pending order' diguna pakai, 'pending order' dilaksanakan tepat apabila harga mencapai nilai jika spreads adalah bersamaan dengan 0. Sebelum pesanan GTC diletakkan dan pintu masuk pasaran tidak ada keperluan untuk mengira pengaruh spreads ke atas tawaran, ini menjadikan analisis teknikal sangat berkesan.
Jenis-jenis akaun perdagangan
Setiap jenis akaun yang ditawarkan oleh instaforex adalah merupakan alat perdagangan sejagat yang membantu anda untuk bekerja di pasaran kewangan antarabangsa. Tidak kira apa jua jenis akaun yang dipilih, anda mempunyai akses kepada setiap simbol perdagangan, apabila anda berdagang dengan broker instaforex.
Untuk mencapai strategi perdagangan yang berjaya, jabatan pedagang profesional instaforex telah membangunkan dua jenis akaun. Jenis-jenis akaun perdagangan ini adalah berbeza mengikut pengiraan spread dan komisyen, yang mana ia akan ditentukan berdasarkan kepada pilihan pedagang sewaktu membuka akaun.
Akaun perdagangan insta.Standard
Akaun perdagangan jenis ini adalah relevan untuk terma dagangan standard dalam pasaran forex dan beroperasi tanpa yuran. Apabila seseorang pedagang itu mendapat akses kepada semua instrumen dagangan, dia perlu membayar nilai spread yang telah ditetapkan.
Akaun insta.Standard boleh digunakan oleh kesemua jenis pedagang dan membenarkan aktiviti perdagangan diselesaikan dengan spread klasik dan tanpa bayaran. Kelebihan utama bagi akaun jenis ini adalah universal, sebagaimana kebanyakan pedagang boleh menukar leverage dagangan dan berurusniaga dengan saiz deposit yang bersesuaian dengan kemampuan pedagang. Ciri-ciri akaun ini membenarkan pedagang untuk menjalankan aktiviti perdagangan dengan mikro forex (minimum deposit $ 1-10), mini forex (minimum deposit $ 100), dan standard forex (minimum deposit $ 1000).
Akaun perdagangan insta.Eurica
Akaun perdagangan jenis ini tidak memerlukan spread yang harus dibayar sewaktu pembukaan perdagangan. Bagi kebanyakan instrumen mata wang pada akaun insta.Eurica menawarkan spreads sifar, oleh yang demikian harga BELI adalah bersamaan dengan harga JUAL. Ia harus diperhatikan bahawa harga yang ditawarkan adalah lebih tinggi daripada harga BELI (berdasarkan kepada asas carta dalam terminal dagangan diplot) oleh sebahagian daripada spreads standard untuk instrumen perdagangan diberikan yang dibundarkan kepada nilai penting disebabkan oleh beberapa keistimewaan teknikal platform metatrader 4.
Akaun perdagangan jenis ini adalah amat disyorkan kepada pedagang baru kerana ia tidak perlu mengambil kira spreads sekiranya 'pending order' diguna pakai; 'pending order' dilaksanakan tepat apabila harga mencapai nilai jika spreads adalah bersamaan dengan 0. Sebelum pesanan GTC diletakkan dan pintu masuk pasaran tidak ada keperluan untuk mengira pengaruh spreads ke atas tawaran, ini menjadikan analisis teknikal sangat berkesan.
Selain daripada fakta bahawa akaun insta.Eurica akan membolehkan pedagang baru untuk memahami pasaran menggunakan sistem yang lebih mudah daripada menjalankan operasi perdagangan, akaun jenis ini juga boleh digunakan oleh pedagang profesional memandangkan ciri-ciri perdagangannya adalah sama seperti akaun insta.Standard.
Akaun perdagangan cent.Standard dan cent.Eurica
Akaun perdagangan cent.Standard dan cent.Eurica telah dibangunkan khusus untuk pedagang baru dan berorientasikan kepada pelanggan-pelanggan yang mahu memahami dan mempelajari tentang perdagangan, dan untuk tujuan ini, mereka memerlukan akses kepada jumlah dagangan paling minimum. Mikro forex boleh didapati dengan 0.0001 untuk lot pasaran (saiz lot adalah 0.1 sen AS) dan membolehkan pedagang menggunakan hampir kesemuanya tanpa sebarang risiko untuk deposit. Akaun perdagangan jenis ini adalah sesuai untuk mereka yang ingin menguji strategi perdagangan dengan risiko yang minimum serta menggunakan kelebihan perdagangan 0.0001 lot.
Selain daripada menawarkankan saiz perdagangan yang paling kecil - 0.0001 lot pasaran - pemilik akaun cent.Standard dan cent.Eurica mempunyai syarat-syarat perniagaan yang sama seperti insta.Standard dan insta.Eurica. Satu-satunya kelemahan akaun perdgaangan jenis ini adalah saiz deposit maksima yang dibenarkan untuk akaun cent.Standard dan cent.Eurica berkait langsung dengan pedagang baru. Untuk pedagang berpengalaman, adalah disyorkan kepada mereka untuk membuka akaun insta.Standard dan insta.Eurica yang tidak mempunyai had saiz untuk deposit dan perjanjian saiz maksimum.
Saiz perdagangan minima
Had saiz minimum perdagangan adalah bersamaan dengan 1 lot ($1 per pip) untuk akaun dagangan jenis standard dan eurica dengan baki melebihi $100,000 atau ia bersamaan dengan mata wang lain.
Типи торгівельних рахунків
Кожен тип рахунку, пропонований компанією instaforex, представляє собою універсальний інструмент трейдера для роботи на міжнародних фінансових ринках. Незалежно від обраного типу рахунку ви будете мати доступ до всіх торгівельних символів, доступних при роботі з компанією instaforex.
Для найбільш вдалої реалізації торгівельної стратегії кожного трейдера фахівцями дилерського відділу instaforex були розроблені два типи рахунків, які покликані задовольнити потреби трейдерів в залежності від їх індивідуальних уподобань у роботі. Відмінності в типах цих торгівельних рахунків полягають тільки в способі обліку спредів і комісій, який вибирає сам трейдер при відкритті рахунку.
Торгівельні рахунки insta.Standard
Для рахунків цього типу актуальні стандартні торгівельні умови без комісій для роботи на forex. Отримуючи доступ до всіх торгівельних інструментів, трейдер сплачує при здійсненні кожної операції фіксований спред.
Рахунки insta.Standard призначені для всіх категорій трейдерів і дозволяють здійснювати операції з класичним спредом без комісії. Головною перевагою такого типу рахунку є його універсальність, так як трейдер в будь-який момент може змінити своє торгівельне плече і працювати з тим розміром депозиту, який йому зручний. Можливості рахунку дозволяють торгувати як у форматі micro forex (операції із заставою від 1-10 USD), так і у форматах mini forex (застава від 100 USD) і standard forex (застава від 1000 USD).
Торгівельні рахунки insta.Eurica
Умови роботи на рахунках цього типу повністю виключають необхідність сплати спреду при відкритті угоди. Для переважної більшості валютних інструментів рахунків insta.Eurica діють нульові спреди, завдяки чому ціна BID завжди дорівнює ціні ASK. Слід звернути увагу, що запропонована ціна відрізняється від ціни BID (по якій будується графік у клієнтському терміналі) в більшу сторону на величину половини стандартного спреду по відповідному торгівельному інструменту, округлену до цілого значення, що пов'язано з технічними особливостями платформи metatrader 4.
Цей тип рахунків рекомендується використовувати початківцям трейдерам, так як при роботі з ним не є необхідним урахування спреду у разі використання відкладених ордерів: при повній відсутності спредів всі відкладені ордери спрацьовують точно в момент досягнення ціною їх значень. Перед установкою ордерів GTC і вході в ринок немає необхідності підраховувати вплив спреду на результат позиції, що дозволяє зробити використання технічного аналізу максимально ефективним.
Незважаючи на те, що рахунки insta.Eurica дозволяють трейдерам швидко освоїтися на ринку, використовуючи в роботі інтуїтивно більш зрозумілу систему обробки операцій, цей тип рахунків також може активно використовуватися і професійними трейдерами, оскільки за своїм торгівельними характеристиками нічим не поступається рахунками типу insta.Standard.
Торгівельні рахунки cent.Standard і cent.Eurica
Торгівельні рахунки cent.Standard і cent.Eurica рахунки типів cent.Standard і cent.Eurica призначені для початківців трейдерів і орієнтовані на тих клієнтів, які тільки вчаться торгувати, і тому їм необхідний доступ до мінімально можливого обсягу угоди. Доступний на цих рахунках micro forex з об'ємом лота 0.0001 ринкового лота (вартість пункту 0.1 цента США), дозволяє вчитися майже без ризиків для депозиту. Також цей тип рахунків добре підійде тим, хто б хотів випробувати свої торгівельні стратегії з мінімальними ризиками, використовуючи перевагу угод від 0.0001 лота.
Крім доступності мінімально допустимого обсягу угоди в 0.0001 ринкового лоту власники торгівельних рахунків cent.Standard і cent.Eurica мають ті ж торгівельні умови, що і insta.Standard та insta.Eurica. Єдиним обмеженням є максимально допустимий обсяг депозиту для рахунків центових груп cent.Standard і cent.Eurica, пов'язаний з їх орієнтованістю на початківців трейдерів. Для більш досвідчених трейдерів рекомендується відкриття рахунків типів insta.Standard і insta.Eurica, які не мають обмежень на розмір максимального депозиту при ліміті розміру максимальної угоди в 10 000 лотів.
Мінімальний обсяг угод
Для рахунків типу standard і eurica з балансом та/або коштами, що перевищують 100000.00 USD (сто тисяч американських доларів) або їх еквівалент в іншій валюті, стає можливим обмеження на розмір мінімальної угоди в обсязі 1 лот (
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Instaforex account types
Instaforex companies group FOREX is one of the fastest ways for anyone to instaforex money in the trading game, and it boasts numerous advantages over traditional stocks and futures. The FOREX market has more traders around the world with billions of dollars in currencies being traded every day. This results instaforex an extremely liquid market, making it very easy types get in and out of trades, even large ones. Other advantages of the FOREX market are the ability to trade around the clock and the fact that, unlike day trading stocks, beginner traders do not need a large trading account to start. Instaforex company is an online FOREX trading platform catering to beginner and seasoned FOREX traders alike. Its state-of-the-art trading software, high commissions, high leverage, and responsive customer support make it an attractive option for anyone wanting to account the most of the lucrative FOREX trading game. Instaforex was founded in and has experienced rapid growth since its inception. The company has been a pioneer in developing types trading software designed to make the trading experience easier and more profitable for its customers. Currently, account company has more than offices worldwide, most situated in asia where the company has been awarded best broker in asia by world finance media for three years running. Instaforex's types values are transparency, competence, and a personal approach to trading. Standard accounts operate using types trading terms and no fees. Traders pay only a fixed spread on trades. Eurica accounts are similar to insta. Standard accounts but there is account spread on trades. The bid price always equals the ask price. This account type instaforex great for newbies because it is one less thing they have account take into consideration when deciding to execute a trade. Eurica accounts are the true beginner accounts with small lot sizes designed to minimize risk for novice traders. The company does not charge any commissions on trades and the spreads are a fixed difference between bid and ask price. Instaforex uses metatrader 4, the most advanced trading platform on the market. This software enables users not only to execute deals but run technical analyses, test trading systems, track currency pairs, and much more. This area is protected by a password as well as a PIN code. Leverage is the ability to control a lot with a little. One of the biggest benefits of FOREX instaforex other types of trading is that new traders can begin with a very small capital outlay, which can be leveraged for much greater buying power. Instaforex users can types their leverage, from 1: your capital is at risk. Trading in forex and contracts for difference cfds is highly speculative and involves a significant risk of loss. The information contained in instaforex publication is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument. This website is provided for informational purposes only and in no way constitutes financial advice. A featured listing does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement. Company was established to provide global traders a instaforex and insightful source of information on forex trading, its key strategies and indicators. With guides for everyone from beginner traders types bangladesh to advanced strategists instaforex hong kong we want the world trading community to benefit from our in-depth broker reviews, features, and commentary. We list the world's top regulated and authorised brokers suitable for a global audience. We aim to think global, act local with our website, so that whether you're in asia, europe or africa you can gain from our content on the world's biggest market. Skip to main content. Visit broker demo account: metatrader4, metatrader5 regulating authority s: RAFMM, the types financial markets service minimum deposit: instaforex review instaforex companies group FOREX is one of the fastest ways for anyone to make money in the trading game, and it boasts numerous account over traditional stocks and futures. Company overview instaforex was founded in and has experienced rapid growth since its inception. Account types instaforex offers several trading account options based on traders' individual needs. Commissions and spreads the company does not charge instaforex commissions on trades and the spreads are a fixed difference between account and ask price. Trading software instaforex uses metatrader 4, the most advanced trading platform on the market. Leverage leverage is account ability to control a lot with a little. 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Instaforex - the best broker in asia
4 thoughts on “instaforex account types”
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Instaforex review
Table of contents
Broker information
Broker services
Platform info
Pros | cons |
multiple trading platforms | delayed order execution |
CFD and binary options | IFXBIT platform failed to load |
multi-asset, multi-regulated | high fixed spread |
more than 260 representative offices |
Traders’ viewpoint
Instaforex is an ECN broker operating out of cyprus. The broker offers traders the choice of CFD and binary options on 300+ products comprising FX, commodities, cryptocurrencies, indices, shares and futures.
The product mix, however, mostly covers FX with over 100 pairs, while the other assets make up the rest of the offering. The USP of the brokerage is the four trading platforms: MT4, MT5 and two proprietary trading terminals – one for binary options and the other for CFD trading.
The broker’s licences pan several countries, though the key regulator is the european-based cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec).
As long as you are a resident in any of the EEA countries, your deposits are safe, you come under negative balance protection, and your personal information is secure due to the stringent regulatory framework.
When it comes to trade execution, you can place orders online or via live chat. The platforms support all trade execution modes, and according to instaforex, the execution venue is interactive brokers.
The CFD broker’s website is very informative and has all the information you need to know about instaforex. You can also monitor real-time data and live charts directly on the website, courtesy of tradingview. The software supports seven types of charts in nine time frames with 80+ technical indicators and almost an equal number of drawing tools.
Instaforex is right at the top when it comes to trading conditions. However, client trading costs are high due to the massive spread.
Although the broker makes up for this to a certain extent by not charging commissions, the costs are still high. If you are a professional trader, you have a choice between high trading costs, the zero spread account type, the security of deposits and competitive brokerages.
About instaforex
Established in 2007, instaforex is the registered trademark of the instaforex group. The multi-asset, multi-regulated CFD broker is headquartered in mesa geitonia, cyprus and has more than 260 representative offices globally.
The subsidiaries include instant trading ltd, instant trading EU ltd, instavestor ltd, insta service ltd, and insta global ltd. The regulators include cysec, the british virgin islands financial services commission, and the central bank of russia. The firm provides services to global clients from its offshore-registered firm in saint vincent and the grenadines.
In terms of trading, the instaforex broker offers about 300 CFD instruments across forex, shares, indices, metals, oil & gas, and cryptocurrencies.
Clients are able to execute trades in futures and binary options. Clients can access the broker’s offerings from the cutting-edge metatrader 4 & 5 platforms, available as web, desktop and mobile applications.
If you are a crypto enthusiast, instaforex offers the IFXBIT platform to trade cryptocurrencies, while binary options enthusiasts can access the exclusive instatick trader.
You can sign up for an instaforex account with a minimum initial deposit of $1. The trading conditions include all types of order execution modes, zero to high spreads, high leverage, maximum trade size, position lock margins, margin calls and stop out levels.
When it comes to market analysis, the broker provides several resources, which we have highlighted in this instaforex review under the education section.
Instaforex has won several awards for client services. These include best broker in asia, western europe and CIS countries, with the most recent accolade being the most active broker in asia 2020 by atoz markets.
The firm supports prominent athletes and sports teams from around the world, and offers bonuses, contests, prizes and raffles running into the millions of dollars every year. With 24/7 support, multiple deposit/withdrawal methods, and a global client base of more than seven million, instaforex is a prime broker in the CFD space.
Who does instaforex appeal to?
Instaforex appeals to all classes of traders – beginners, experienced and professionals. That’s because the ECN broker has something on offer for everyone.
The multiple trading platforms support manual, automated and copy trading features across CFD and binary options. Also, the broker’s trading conditions are top class, with multiple order execution modes, hundreds of analytical tools, and several educational and training resources.
Clients can also register for bonuses, actively participate in the contests and promotions, and win prizes worth millions of dollars every year.
Money managers, on the other hand, have a broad choice of affiliate programmes, can choose between PAMM and MAM accounts, and can participate in the promo offerings of the CFD broker.
Account types
Instaforex offers traders the choice of four account types: cent eurica, cent standard, insta eurica and insta standard. Traders can also opt for the instant account or the swap-free sharia account. In this instaforex review, we will look at the features, similarities and differences between the account types.
Standard features of the trading accounts include being able to deposit funds in either USD or EUR, a $1 minimum deposit, and a maximum trade size of 100 lots. When it comes to trading conditions, clients can place instant orders with maximum leverage of 1000:1. The margin calls are at 30% and the stop out levels are at 10%. Active clients can earn interest of 5% per annum on deposits and inactive clients can earn interest of 2% per annum.
There are a few differences in the account types. The insta accounts do not have a maximum limit on deposits, while the deposit cap on the cent accounts is at $1,000.
The eurica accounts have zero fixed spread, while the commission on the other two accounts is at 0.03%-0.07% of the volume. There is no commission on the standard accounts, while the spread can range from 3 to 7 pips.
The following illustration highlights all the features of the four account types:
Markets and territories
Instaforex has over seven million clients from more than 260 countries. The CFD broker provides 24/7 client support in more than 30 languages, and the website is also accessible in 22 tongues. Instaforex is an active participant in various international expos and financial conferences and has taken part in more than 50 such events so far.
To ensure speedy, uninterrupted trading and distribution of client orders, instaforex has nine servers spread across various countries. It maintains its servers in intermediary data centres. When it comes to coverage, instaforex’s presence can be felt in almost all the regions except the US and a couple of other countries.
Instaforex instruments and spreads
Instaforex offers more than 300 tradable instruments across asset classes and market segments. In this instaforex broker review, we have emphasised all the product offerings and their features.
The product mix includes CFD trading in FX, precious metals, energy, cryptocurrencies, stocks and indices.
Besides providing access to the spot markets, instaforex gives traders the choice of trading futures and binary options.
Futures contracts are available in precious metals, crude oil, natural gas and agro commodities. The binary options offering includes intra-day and expiry contracts in FX, precious metals and share cfds.
The following table highlights all the tradable instruments at instaforex:
Tradable instruments | description | number of products |
forex | 110 | |
precious metals | gold – 100,500 ounces, silver | 03 |
energy | 07 | |
cryptocurrencies | 05 | |
shares | 89 | |
indices | 07 | |
commodities futures | 26 | |
binary options | 21 FX pairs, 49 cryptos, gold, silver | 72 |
The fixed spreads offered by instaforex are a component of the account type. The broker charges a spread of 3 to 7 pips on the insta standard and the cent standard accounts.
In comparison, individuals registering for the other two account types – insta eurica and cent eurica – do not have a bid-ask difference. Scalpers and algo traders may find the spreads a little high for their liking, despite the broker not charging a commission. One way to avoid the high spread is to choose either the zero spread insta or the cent eurika accounts.
Instaforex fees and commissions
This instaforex CFD review covers all information related to the fees and commissions charged by the broker. The CFD broker charges the following fees:
- Swap fee – for holding overnight positions in any of the financial instruments. These differ across products.
- Copy-trading fee – these fees are for traders following and copying the strategies of professionals. It includes a commission of 0.01 per lot on profitable trades and 0.5 pip per lot on all copy trades.
The commission is a component of the account type. The broker charges a commission of 0.03%-0.07% on the insta eurica and cent eurica accounts, while the other two account types carry zero commission.
Instaforex platform review
The instaforex broker offers clients the choice of four trading platforms: metatrader 4 & 5, and the broker’s proprietary IFXBIT and the instatick platforms. While metatrader and IFXBIT are for CFD trading, instatick is only for traders betting on binary options.
In this instaforex review, we analysed the demo applications of the client trading MT4 and instatick terminals, and have detailed the key features of the platforms and the purpose they serve.
The instaforex metatrader 4 platform is a user-friendly interface available in 39 languages and is accessible on all computers and mobile devices.
The trading terminals include the web, desktop, mobile applications. MT4 supports all browsers – windows, linux, macos, and the handheld android and iphone devices. All the platforms come with reliable data protection and free access to the MQL5 community.
Here are some of the other key features of the instaforex MT4 platforms:
- Access real-time streaming data with product-wise spread.
- Three chart types in nine time frames.
- The technical analysis tools include 30 indicators and 24 graphical objects.
- All the platforms support multiple order types, including one-click trading.
- View open positions, account history and trading exposure.
- The desktop terminal also features market depth, automated trading, quick access to download trading signals, and the option to carry out copy trading.
- The other features of the downloadable app include placing trading alerts.
- Monitor live news from fxwirepro and other sources.
Illustration of the instaforex MT4 desktop terminal:
Instatick is the instaforex binary options trading platform. It has won over 40 international awards. You can sign up and deposit funds in three currencies: USD, EUR and RUB.
The platform comes with a clean user interface, is accessible in 10 languages, and supports cfds in FX, precious metals and shares. You can execute both intra-day or carry positions until expiry with a minimum deposit of $1.
Here are some of the primary features of the platform:
- Access to 21 FX pairs, two precious metals, and 49 share cfds.
- Supports all browsers and is available only as a web-based terminal.
- Comes with six-digit quotes and is customised for tick trades.
- Start trading intra-day binary options in five-minute to three-hour time frames.
- Access to live chat support or callback request.
Mobile trading
The instaforex MT4 mobile trading application is accessible on android smartphones, iphones and ipads and has most of the features of the computer-based terminals.
The best part of the instaforex broker’s MT4 offering is that all the platforms, even on the demo account, are in sync. It doesn’t matter if you are trading on your PC or mobile, you can still monitor positions, view pending orders, trade history and account balance. You can download the app from google play or the apple app store.
As part of our extensive evaluation, we reviewed the instaforex MT4 mobile app from a demo account, and have highlighted the key features, along with screenshots and a short video of the app.
The key features of the instatrader mobile app include:
- Multiple order execution options.
- Three types of charts in nine time frames with 30 technical indicators and 24 analytical objects.
- Real-time streaming data.
- Live monitoring of positions, trading history and account balance on the go.
- Alerts and push notifications.
- Access to live news from fxwirepro and other sources.
- Live chat to communicate with other traders from the metatrader community.
Social trading and copy trading
Instaforex does not provide traders with the opportunity to carry out social trading. However, clients can copy the trades of professionals and successful traders from the broker’s trading community.
The instaforex broker allows copy trading in FX binary options, and the feature is accessible on metatrader 4. Forex copy trading on the instaforex platform is beneficial to both copy traders and followers. Copy traders registering with the broker profit either in the form of daily commissions, profit share, commissions per trade, or commissions based on the volume of copied trades irrespective of profits/losses.
Followers, on the other hand, can benefit from copying the strategies of profitable traders. To ensure adequate risk management, beginners can follow several traders or strategies, adjust the copying ratio, or set copy trading parameters based on volumes.
There are several subscription options for followers, which include daily charges, commission per deal, or on only profitable trades.
Instaforex cryptocurrencies trading is accessible from metatrader 4 and instatrader’s proprietary IFXBIT platform. However, the CFD broker offers a limited choice of only five digital currencies, comprising bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, litecoin and ripple.
Instaforex charges a commission of 0.1% on crypto trading. The spread varies from 50 to 12,000, and virtual currencies such as litecoin and ripple have a minimum lot size of 100 and 10,000 respectively.
Charting and tools
Metaquotes and tradingview are associated with the instaforex broker as its technology partner. While the former provides cutting-edge trading platforms with lots of analytical tools and automated and copy trading features, the latter is the official provider of real-time quotes for instaforex.
Tradingview is an active social network for traders and investors in the financial markets. In this instaforex CFD broker review, we have distinguished the analytical tools based on the trading platform:
- Three chart types in nine time frames
- Analyse charts using the 60 technical indicators and 46 graphical objects
- Market depth
- Financial market news
- Automated trading
- Option to download indicators, trading signals and expert advisors
- Access to the metaquotes programming language
- Three chart types in 21 time frames
- Analyse charts using the 30 technical indicators and 24 graphical objects
- Open up to 100 charts at a time
- Supports advanced market depth comprising tick chart and time & sales
- Access all the order types, including one-click trading
- Financial market news
- Automated trading
- Option to download indicators, trading signals and expert advisors
- Access to the metaquotes programming language
- User-friendly platform, accessible as a browser-based, tablet and smartphone application
- Supports CFD trading in cryptocurrencies, FX, shares, indices and futures
- Customisable interface
- A tick chart dashboard
- Charts accessible in nine time frames
- 30+ technical analysis tools
- Live market news
Unlike most of the other CFD brokers, instaforex does not have a separate education section on its website. However, you can find lots of educational, training and analytical resources for traders/investors under the ‘for beginners’ and the ‘for traders’ sections.
Beginners can also get all the information they need while choosing a product or service. However, if you are looking for something more specific or advanced, you will be able to find them in the analytics section.
Illustrated below are the various educational and analytical resources offered by instaforex:
Trader protection by territory
As mentioned earlier, instaforex is a multi-regulated CFD broker headquartered in mesa geitonia, cyprus. Our in-depth instaforex broker review covers all the regulators monitoring the european broker and the scope of client protection:
- In europe, instant trading EU ltd comes under the directives of cysec.
The other licences/registrations of the instaforex subsidiaries are:
- Instant trading ltd (BVI) is a licensed BVI FSC firm, under licence number SIBA/L/14/1082.
- Instavector ltd (russia) is licensed by the russian central bank, under licence number 039-11737-100000.
- Insta service ltd and insta global ltd. Have registrations in FSC saint vincent. The registration numbers are IBC22945 and IBC24321, respectively.
The cyprus investment firm (CIF) comes under the mifid directives, which allows it to offer its services to the other countries within the EEA and outside the EU. The cysec regulations also bring the instaforex broker under the membership of the investor compensation fund (ICF).
Retail investors in europe receive protection and compensation of up to €20,000 if the broker fails to settle claims or goes into administration. European residents signing up with the broker are also eligible for negative balance protection, stringent client privacy, and data security framework of the regulator.
How to open an account
If you are an international client and wish to register with instaforex, you have the choice of four account types: insta standard, insta eurica, cent standard and cent eurica. The account opening process is quick and straightforward.
However, before you start the process, you are required to fill out some basic information and submit. Once you have done this, use the login credentials and go to the client area, where you can complete the rest of the account opening procedure. Submit your ID and proof of residence documents, download the trading platform of your choice, deposit funds, and start trading.
Customer support
The instaforex broker provides several client support options to get in touch with the helpdesk. These include live chat, callback request, email and the support area where you can find answers to frequently asked questions.
We found it intriguing that instaforex has not provided telephone numbers for individuals or clients to get in touch, except for those registering in europe.
Besides these support channels, you can also reach out to the broker via several other approaches such as viber, whatsapp, skype and facebook messenger.
Illustrated below is the contact information to get in touch with instaforex:
As part of this instaforex broker review, we also got in touch with the live chat team several times to gauge the response time and the quality of support offered. Based on our interactions, we found the response time to be
Instaforex nigeria $500 no deposit bonus
Instaforex nigeria $500 no deposit bonus is available to: new clients, or existing clients whose balance hasn’t exceed $10 USD in the last month, whose volume hasn’t exceeded .3 lots in the last 6 months and whose deposits haven’t exceeded $10 USD in the last 6 months.
1. Do I have to make a deposit to get the no deposit bonus?
– no, you do not have to make a deposit to get the no deposit bonus. You can receive the startup bonus for free and trade it without your own investments.
2. Do I have to provide documents (verify my account) to get the instaforex startup bonus?
– no, you do not have to provide documents (verify an account) to get the startup bonus.
3. How to make profits with the instaforex startup bonus?
– you can open and close trades on forex on your own or subscribe to copying deals of successful traders through the instaforex forexcopy system (trade via browser, trade via mobile app, trade via PC, copy trades)
4. Is it possible to trade without swaps on an account with the startup bonus?
– yes. You can turn on the swap free service in client cabinet in the personal information section. With this service, swaps for rollovers are not charged.
5. Is it possible to invest the bonus in the PAMM system?
– no, it is not. But you can use the bonus funds in the forexcopy system and copy deals of successful traders.
6. In what currency is it possible to register an account for getting the startup bonus?
– only USD accounts can participate in the bonus campaign.
7. What account types support the startup bonus?
– A standard account is opened by default, but you can change an account type in client cabinet anytime.
8. How can I use profits made from the bonus?
– profits that make up 10% of the bonus funds will become available for trading right after topping up the account. Withdrawal of these profits is
possible only after closing deals in the amount stated in the clause 5 of the bonus agreement.
9. Is it possible to participate in instarebate or any other program for returning spreads with the startup bonus?
– unfortunately, the clients who received the startup bonus on their accounts cannot take part in the rebate programs.
10. Is it possible to withdraw the instaforex startup bonus?
– no. This bonus is given only to new clients providing them with an opportunity to make profits on forex without their own investments.
11. Is it possible to withdraw funds that I deposit to the bonus account?
– yes, you can withdraw the funds that you deposited anytime without restrictions.
12. Why cannot I receive the bonus? I received an email saying that my account cannot participate in the campaign.
– the no deposit bonus is available only to new clients. See the clause 1 of the bonus agreement for other restrictions. Active clients can get the bonus after topping up their account.
13. Why does the bonus amount I received differ from the one promised in the campaign?
– the maximum bonus amount is determined individually. You can check the bonus amount available to you following the link on the bonus agreement web page
14. I cannot get the bonus. The “get bonus” button on the campaign web page is not active.
– please make sure the link you followed to go to the campaign web page is correct: https://www.Instaforex.Com/forex_promo/no_deposit_bonus?X=ifxnigeria.
We also recommend you to clear cookies and the browser cache or open another browser if the problem is not solved after following the stated link.
15. I cannot trade. The message “trading is prohibited” appears in the platform.
– please check the email box you specified when getting the bonus. Perhaps, your profits made from the bonus reached the threshold of 10% of the bonus funds.
16. Withdrawal: no, only profits can be withdrawn after trading 3 lots for each $1 USD profit. The withdrawal amount cannot exceed $50 USD. To continue trading, a deposit of $50 USD is needed.
Copying trade is easy and profitable for newbies and professionals. Copying the trades of a professional is highly profitable even without you personally taking the risk of trading.
- To claim your free $500 no deposit bonus CLICK HERE
- For more information on instaforex nigeria forex copy system CLICK HERE
- To instantly fund your instaforex account in naira CLICK HERE
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Difference between instaforex eurica account vs standard account
Advantages of eurica account vs standard account of instaforex
Instaforex have another type of accounts aside from standard and cent account they also offer eurica account.
If you are a newbies in here first open cent account with highest leverage after that
trade only small lot & cent account is the best for every newbies/beginner .
Now we want to know what are the advantages of eurica account over standard account.
Still confused about the difference between instaforex eurica account and standard account ? As they offer no spread in eurica but with commision as same as spread on standard accounts.
I couldn't understand how eurica will be more beneficial for me in scalping
in eurica account no spread / no ask price on the market chart.
Instaforex eurica account is very usefull for newbie who are still confused trading with spread.
Eurica account is account without spread (that has the same price between ask price and bid price).
The standard account : charge spread
The eurica account : charge commision 0.03%-0.07%.
You must pay commission according to your lot.
Ex: if you open 1 lot in EUR/USD (3 spreads) you must pay 1 lot x 3 spread > 1$/pip = $3 commission.
Eurica account can be choosen with standard account or cent account.
It can be better for some EA's etc to have no spread because they'll close trades more frequently than on a standard accounts. Eurica has the same price between ask price and bid price.
For newbies sometimes it is hard to understand on which price the order will be executed when open buy, sell and closed order.
So insta forex create eurica account for newbie segmentation. But you can get rebates for both accounts with http://instaforex-africa.Com 1.5 pips right back into your account on every single trade.
Both are equal in spreads so why I would go to eurica account?
Basically, there is no difference. The calculation only differs from each other.
The brokers commission will be taken from spread, in standard account.
The brokers commission will be taken from our orders directly by mentioning commission, in eurica account.
The advantage may be, you are not disturbed in calculating the profits in standard account, with every trade there is a commission.
The advantage of eurica account is that if you open a trade and suddenly decide that the trade is not a good trade even with a 3 pip profit, you can still close the trade and have profit on it.
Only a percentage of your profit will be charged. But in standard account with spread, when you have 3 pip move, your profit will be zero.
Eurica account have more advantage with traders who trade currency pairs that have large spread.
eurica account has more benefits for traders that have difficulties to count their profit and set the right price when entering or leaving the market.
But this is only the matter on how traders eyes see the market price. About the commision, its sometimes bigger than spread. So I think everyone should consider carefully when picking the right account.
Eurica platform is very good you dont have to trade forex with spreads you will only pay comission if you win or loose but with orderly standard platform the spread will and can affect you on the market.
1 lot in eurica account is 1 cent, so if you have small capital or just start to learn live forex trading eurica will be good option as you could start trading with very very little money.
Instaforex account type
Instaforex trader cabinet login is trader cabinet to manage personal information and parameters for your accounts; that is trader desktop where you can make and modify yours trades online; in the cabinet you can use quick choice for depositing and withdrawal processes in your trading account.
Secure area of instaforex login official website is the safety and security in instaforex financial world online system by making it simpler and more accessible to traders around the world. You can get secured area of instaforex by trader cabinet desktop using the «financial operations» item of top menu.
Instaforex partner cabinet login instaforex offers the best partnership conditions. Working with instaforex company you have an opportunity of providing high service level for your potential clients, and consiquently, gaining the maximum profit.
1. Secure area of instaforex official website
2. Icon of «trader cabinet»
3. «trader cabinet» login
For more information please link below:
1. Account number (login)
2. Trader password
Trader password is one of secret words intend for login to trader cabinet and for login to trader account by different instaforex trader platforms. You can make forex trades online only by trader password.
Trader password must be complex matter and may consist of not less than 8 and not more 12 characters (roman alphabet and natural numbers).
3. Phone password
4. Investor password
PAMM system intend for asset management like PAMM investor or PAMM trader. Forexcopy system intend for asset management like forex trades copying.
5. Pin-code
6. Instaforex trading servers
Instaforex server is the address and IP-address of the trading account numbers. All available servers for the trading accounts opened with instaforex are listed below:
Server in USA-1 [server: instaforex-USA.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers from 10,000 to 700,000 and 15,000,000 - 17,999,999;
Server in USA-2 [server: instaforex-USA2.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers starting from 8,000,000 to 9,000,000 and 80,000,000 - 82,999,999;
Server in singapore [server: instaforex-singapore.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers starting from 7,000,000 to 8,000,000 and 70,000,000 - 72,999,999;
Server in netherlands [server: instaforex-EUROPE.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers starting from 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 and 50,000,000 - 52,999,999;
Server in hong kong [server: instaforex-hongkong.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 and 10,000,000 - 12,999,999;
Server in great britain [server: instaforex-UK.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 and 20,000,000 - 22,999,999;
Server for cent accounts-1 [server: instaforex-cent.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading accounts with the number from 3,000,000 to 3,500,000 and 30,000,000 - 32,999,999;
Server for cent accounts-2 [server: instaforex-cent2.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading accounts with the numbers from 3,500,000 to 4,000,000 and 35,000,000 - 37,999,999.
In the process of registering a demo account, specify one of the following servers:
Server for contests [server: instaforex-contest.Com or IP-address:] can be used for demo accounts with the numbers from 65,000,000;
Server for other demo accounts [server: instaforex-1demo.Com or IP-address:] with the numbers from 60,000,000 to 65,000,000.
Google authenticator
Application google authenticator intend to create a temporary code for secured authorisation in trader cabinet. Every 30 seconds the application creates the six-digit passwords.
Trader cabinet login
Please, use two-factor authentication. So, enter the six-digit code generated by google authenticator app to complete the action and you will see successful authentication
Account types
In the tab “trading” you can see the list of accounts available for FBS clients…
In the tab “trading” you can see the list of accounts available for FBS clients. Click “trading accounts” to get an overview and compare account types offered by FBS.
Cent account is a great option for forex beginners and those who want to test a new strategy. $1 is a recommended deposit to start trading.
Order volume may vary from 0.01 to 1000 cent lots.
The leverage is up to 1:1000, that means that you can control $10 while having just 1 cent. You can enjoy a floating spread from 1 pip.
Micro account. The recommended initial deposit is $5. The leverage is up to 1:3000. Zero commission is one of the greatest features of this account. Order volume is from 0.01 to 500 lots.
The next type is a standard account. It is a popular account type with optimal conditions for traders who know what they want.
The recommended deposit to start trading equals to $100 and the spread is floating from 0,5 pip. The leverage you can use increases to 1:3000.
Zero spread account suits those who can’t or wouldn’t like to pay spread. Instead, these traders pay commission from $20 for a lot. The leverage is the same as for the standard and micro accounts.
Recommended initial deposit for this account type is $500.
Finally, ECN account. Here we recommend you to start trading with an initial deposit of $1000. The leverage is up to 1:500. Commission of $6 for a lot is accompanied by floating spread from -1 pip.
If you have any questions left about FBS account types, please ask a staff member via the chat. Thank you.
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Instaforex account types
Instaforex companies group FOREX is one of the fastest ways for anyone to instaforex money in the trading game, and it boasts numerous advantages over traditional stocks and futures. The FOREX market has more traders around the world with billions of dollars in currencies being traded every day. This results instaforex an extremely liquid market, making it very easy types get in and out of trades, even large ones. Other advantages of the FOREX market are the ability to trade around the clock and the fact that, unlike day trading stocks, beginner traders do not need a large trading account to start. Instaforex company is an online FOREX trading platform catering to beginner and seasoned FOREX traders alike. Its state-of-the-art trading software, high commissions, high leverage, and responsive customer support make it an attractive option for anyone wanting to account the most of the lucrative FOREX trading game. Instaforex was founded in and has experienced rapid growth since its inception. The company has been a pioneer in developing types trading software designed to make the trading experience easier and more profitable for its customers. Currently, account company has more than offices worldwide, most situated in asia where the company has been awarded best broker in asia by world finance media for three years running. Instaforex's types values are transparency, competence, and a personal approach to trading. Standard accounts operate using types trading terms and no fees. Traders pay only a fixed spread on trades. Eurica accounts are similar to insta. Standard accounts but there is account spread on trades. The bid price always equals the ask price. This account type instaforex great for newbies because it is one less thing they have account take into consideration when deciding to execute a trade. Eurica accounts are the true beginner accounts with small lot sizes designed to minimize risk for novice traders. The company does not charge any commissions on trades and the spreads are a fixed difference between bid and ask price. Instaforex uses metatrader 4, the most advanced trading platform on the market. This software enables users not only to execute deals but run technical analyses, test trading systems, track currency pairs, and much more. This area is protected by a password as well as a PIN code. Leverage is the ability to control a lot with a little. One of the biggest benefits of FOREX instaforex other types of trading is that new traders can begin with a very small capital outlay, which can be leveraged for much greater buying power. Instaforex users can types their leverage, from 1: your capital is at risk. Trading in forex and contracts for difference cfds is highly speculative and involves a significant risk of loss. The information contained in instaforex publication is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument. This website is provided for informational purposes only and in no way constitutes financial advice. A featured listing does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement. Company was established to provide global traders a instaforex and insightful source of information on forex trading, its key strategies and indicators. With guides for everyone from beginner traders types bangladesh to advanced strategists instaforex hong kong we want the world trading community to benefit from our in-depth broker reviews, features, and commentary. We list the world's top regulated and authorised brokers suitable for a global audience. We aim to think global, act local with our website, so that whether you're in asia, europe or africa you can gain from our content on the world's biggest market. Skip to main content. Visit broker demo account: metatrader4, metatrader5 regulating authority s: RAFMM, the types financial markets service minimum deposit: instaforex review instaforex companies group FOREX is one of the fastest ways for anyone to make money in the trading game, and it boasts numerous account over traditional stocks and futures. Company overview instaforex was founded in and has experienced rapid growth since its inception. Account types instaforex offers several trading account options based on traders' individual needs. Commissions and spreads the company does not charge instaforex commissions on trades and the spreads are a fixed difference between account and ask price. Trading software instaforex uses metatrader 4, the most advanced trading platform on the market. Leverage leverage is account ability to control a lot with a little. 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Company overview avatrade has grown to a trading volume of 2 million a month with 20, customers since being founded in FX primus FX primus is an award-winning international account that offers more than just forex trading. The firm is established in the republic of as part of its services, it provides customer support and company overview easymarkets types been in business for more than 10 years, having previously been known as 'easy forex' forex4youcompany overview forex4you is based in the british virgin islands. The company provides foreign exchange brokerage services using EXNESS company overview EXNESS NZ limited is the new zealand arm of the EXNESS group. This group was founded inwhich was also the year that remember to use leverage with caution as forex time an international forex broker, forextime offers its customers the best services for trading stocks, bonds, commodities and foreign offering A demo trading account. Best accepting credit card deposits. Best no dealing desk. Best commodities brokers and trading platforms. Best crude oil trading brokers. Best offering an API for php, cjava or. Best with types spreads. The lowest fixed spread: best where hedging is allowed. Best where scalping is allowed. Best instaforex for trading indicies. Best that are asic regulated. Regulated by the financial conduct authority FCA. Best with autotrader copy trading platform. Best forex brokers with trading platform app for ipad. With web based account platorms. Best with android trading platform instaforex. Best brokers with an iphone forex trading app. Best offering MT5 trading platform. Best with the MT4 trading types.
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Instaforex - the best broker in asia
4 thoughts on “instaforex account types”
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The audience will get detail information regarding adopted methods from this chapter.
So, let's see, what we have: akaun dagangan instaforex di pasaran kewangan antarabangsa forex at instaforex account type
Contents of the article
- Best forex bonuses
- Jenis-jenis akaun perdagangan
- Akaun perdagangan insta.Standard
- Akaun perdagangan insta.Eurica
- Akaun perdagangan cent.Standard dan cent.Eurica
- Saiz perdagangan minima
- Типи торгівельних рахунків
- Торгівельні рахунки insta.Standard
- Торгівельні рахунки insta.Eurica
- Торгівельні рахунки cent.Standard і cent.Eurica
- Мінімальний обсяг угод
- Broker forex polska
- Instaforex account types
- 4 thoughts on “instaforex account types”
- Instaforex review
- Traders’ viewpoint
- About instaforex
- Who does instaforex appeal to?
- Account types
- Markets and territories
- Instaforex instruments and spreads
- Instaforex fees and commissions
- Instaforex platform review
- Mobile trading
- Social trading and copy trading
- Crypto
- Charting and tools
- Education
- Trader protection by territory
- How to open an account
- Customer support
- Instaforex nigeria $500 no deposit bonus
- Forex trading strategies home
- Difference between instaforex eurica account vs...
- Advantages of eurica account vs standard account...
- Instaforex account type
- 1. Secure area of instaforex official website
- 2. Icon of «trader cabinet»
- 3. «trader cabinet» login
- 1. Account number (login)
- 2. Trader password
- 3. Phone password
- 4. Investor password
- 5. Pin-code
- 6. Instaforex trading servers
- Google authenticator
- Trader cabinet login
- Account types
- Broker forex polska
- Instaforex account types
- 4 thoughts on “instaforex account types”
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