I am broker, i am broker.

I am broker

Amibroker features all standard chart styles and drawing tools. They all can be customized, combined and overlaid anyway you want.

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I am broker, i am broker.

I am broker, i am broker.

I am broker, i am broker.

Hundreds of popular indicators like MACD, RSI, stochastics, ADX/DMI and many more are included the backtest allows to test your system performance on historical data. The simulation is performed on portfolio-level as in real-life, with multiple securities traded at the same time, each having user-definable position sizing rule.

Ami broker

Use amibroker's powerful and ultra-fast exploration tool to scan the market for opportunities and inefficiencies - your edge to stay ahead of the crowd

Define objective entry & exit rules to remove emotions from your trading. Use portfolio-level backtesting & optimization to fine tune the performance. Validate robustness using walk-forward & monte carlo simulation

Trade visually from charts, or use analysis tool to generate order list, or place orders directly from your code using auto-trading interface. Whatever your style is. The choice is yours.

Upgrade your trading to the next level

Powerful, easy-to-use and beautiful charts

Drag-and-drop averages, bands and indicators on other indicators, modify parameters in real-time using sliders and customize using many different styles & gradients to make them beautiful

The world's fastest portfolio backtesting and optimization

Amazing speed comes together with sophisticated features like: advanced position sizing, scoring and ranking, rotational trading, custom metrics, custom backtesters, multiple-currency support

Automation and batch processing

Don't spend your time and energy on repeated tasks. Let amibroker automate your routine using newly integrated batch processor. No more boring repeated clicks. You can run it from windows scheduler so amibroker can work while you sleep

All the information at your fingertips

Charts and drawing tools

Amibroker features all standard chart styles and drawing tools. They all can be customized, combined and overlaid anyway you want. Hundreds of popular indicators like MACD, RSI, stochastics, ADX/DMI and many more are included

3D optimization chart

It helps finding out parameter combinations that produce best and most reliable results. 3D chart can be rotated, animated and watched from any angle. A water level can be adjusted to precisely determine peak and valleys above and under certain level

Analysis window

In this example it shows cross-correlation between symbols from user-defined list.
This is just one of many things that you can do using exploration.
The analysis window is home to backtesting, optimization, walk-forward testing and monte carlo simulation

Symbols window

Amibroker allows you to categorize symbols into different markets, groups, sectors, industries, watch lists. Ultra-quick full-text search makes finding symbols a breeze. Categories are used in all other areas of the program to quickly filter/analyze user-definable selections of symbols

Interpretation window

The interpretation is automatically generated market commentary based on user-definable formulas. You can use pre-written interpretations or create your own

Gradient chart and market profile

Any chart, not only price, can be displayed as gradient chart for attractive look. On the left side you can see volume-at-price chart (orange) which allows to quickly recognize price levels with highest traded volume

Real time quote

This small fragment of real-time quote window features mini high-low rank charts and bid/ask trend indicators which helps tape reading

Information window

Amibroker provides instant access to fundamental & valuations data. Fundamental data can also be used in your formulas

Powerful tools for the system trader

The analysis window

The analysis window is home to all your scans, explorations, portfolio backtests, optimizations, walk-forward tests and monte carlo simulation

Screen markets for opportunities

Exploration is multi-purpose screening/data mining tool that produces fully programmable tabular output with unlimited number of rows and columns from all symbols data

Test your system

The backtest allows to test your system performance on historical data. The simulation is performed on portfolio-level as in real-life, with multiple securities traded at the same time, each having user-definable position sizing rule.

Scoring & ranking

If multiple entry signals occur on the same bar and you run out of buying power, amibroker performs bar-by-bar ranking based on user-definable position score to find preferable trade.

Find optimum parameter values

Tell amibroker to try thousands of different parameter combinations to find best-performing ones. Use smart artificial intelligence optimization (particle swarm and CMA-ES) to search huge spaces in limited time.

Walk-forward testing

Don't fall into over-fitting trap. Validate robustness of your system by checking its out-of-sample performance after in-sample optimization process.

Monte carlo simulation

Prepare yourself for difficult market conditions. Check worst-case scenarios and probability of ruin. Take insight into statistical properties of your trading system

Concise and fast formula language to express your trading ideas

Fast array and matrix processing

In amibroker formula language (AFL) vectors and matrices are native types like plain numbers. To calculate mid point of high and low arrays element-by-element you just type midpt = ( H + L )/2; // H and L are arrays and it gets compiled to vectorized machine code. No need to write loops. This makes it possible to run your formulas at the same speed as code written in assembler. Native fast matrix operators and functions make statistical calculations a breeze.

Concise language means less work

Your trading systems and indicators written in AFL will take less typing and less space than in other languages because many typical tasks in AFL are just single-liners. For example dynamic, ATR-based chandelier's stop is just: applystop( stoptypetrailing, stopmodepoint, 3* ATR(14), true, true );

Built-in debugger

The debugger allows you to single-step thru your code and watch the variables in run-time to better understand what your formula is doing

State-of-the-art code editor

Enjoy advanced editor with syntax highlighting, auto-complete, parameter call tips, code folding, auto-indenting and in-line error reporting. When you encounter an error, meaningful message is displayed right in-line so you don't strain your eyes

Less typing, quicker results

Coding your formula has never been easier with ready-to-use code snippets. Use dozens of pre-written snippets that implement common coding tasks and patterns, or create your own snippets!


All your formulas automatically benefit from multiple processors/cores. Each chart formula, graphic renderer and every analysis window runs in separate threads.

Three amibroker editions to choose from

Standard edition

Entry-level version for end-of-day and swing traders. End-of-day and real time. Intraday starting from 1-minute interval. 10 symbols limit in real time quote window. 2 simultaneous threads per analysis window. 32-bit only.

Professional edition

Professional real-time and analytical platform with advanced backtesting and optimization. End-of-day and real time. All intraday tick/second/minute intervals, unlimited symbols in real time quote window. Unlimited symbols in time&sales. MAE/MFE stats included. Up to 32 simultaneous threads per analysis window. Includes both 64-bit and 32-bit versions.

Ultimate pack pro

Everything that amibroker professional edition has plus two very useful programs:
amiquote - quote downloader from multiple on-lines sources featuring free EOD and intraday data and free fundamental data.
AFL code wizard - creates AFL formulas out of plain english sentences. Invaluable learning tool for novices. (amiquote and AFL code wizard licenses are worth $198 when purchased separately so you save 8% when buying this pack)

System requirements: microsoft windows 10, 8.1, 7, vista, XP, 2000, at least 512MB RAM. Apple mac users can use bootcamp / parallels / vmware to run amibroker.

Earn anytime,
anywhere, anyhow

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Cfds are complex financial instruments traded on margin. Trading cfds carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved as you may lose all your invested capital. Past performance of cfds is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Most cfds have no set maturity date and a CFD position matures on the date an open position is closed. Please read our ‘risk disclosure notice’. When trading cfds with AM globe services LTD, you are merely trading on the outcome of a financial instrument and therefore do not take delivery of any underlying instrument, nor are you entitled to any dividends payable or any other benefits related to the same.

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Đánh giá sàn ambroker mới nhất 2021 | AM broker review

Tổng quan sàn và thông tin pháp lý

AM broker là một nhà môi giới forex và cfds rất mới trên thị trường, chỉ được thành lập cách đây 1 năm, 2018, sở hữu bởi công ty AM globe services ltd. Theo như website của sàn thì công ty này được đăng ký như là một công ty kinh doanh quốc tế và được cấp phép bởi FSA – cơ quan dịch vụ tài chính st. Vincent and grenadines, tuy nhiên không có bất kỳ một tài liệu nào để chứng minh giấy phép này cả, ngay khi truy cập vào trang web chính thức của FSA thì cũng không tìm thấy bất kỳ thông tin nào về việc được cấp phép của AM broker. Có lẽ vì là một sàn giao dịch mới, nên chưa đủ những điều kiện để có được giấy phép của các cơ quan uy tín như FCA, ASIC hay cysec. Đây là một vấn đề khá quan trọng khi quyết định mở tài khoản tại sàn này vì tài khoản của nhà đầu tư sẽ không an toàn.

Bạn chưa biết đầu tư ngoại hối là gì? Tham khảo:

Sản phẩm giao dịch

AM broker cung cấp gần như đầy đủ các loại sản phẩm hiện có trên thị trường, tuy nhiên một vài loại với số lượng còn khá ít như forex (không cho phép giao dịch các cặp ngoại lai), số lượng tiền điện tử còn hạn chế và không có giao dịch hàng nông sản

  • Forex: cung cấp 28 cặp tiền tệ, chỉ bao gồm những cặp tiền chính và cặp tiền chéo

  • Hàng hóa: bao gồm kim loại và năng lượng. Kim loại gồm có vàng và bạc. Năng lượng gồm có dầu brent, dầu WTI và khí gas tự nhiên

  • Chỉ số: nhà đầu tư được giao dịch 9 chỉ số chứng khoán phổ biến trên thị trường toàn cầu như DJI30, JPN225, SP500, CAC40…

  • Cổ phiếu: cung cấp đến vài trăm cổ phiếu đến từ hơn 15 sàn chứng khoán trên thế giới. Một số cổ phiếu nổi tiếng với khối lượng giao dịch lớn như: apple, facebook, coca cola, google, mcdonalds…

  • Tiền điện tử: tại AM broker, nhà đầu tư chỉ được giao dịch 5 loại tiền điện tử phổ biến, đó là bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, ripple và bitcoin cash

  • Và các ETF – quỹ hoán đổi danh mục

Tài khoản giao dịch

AM broker cung cấp 3 loại tài khoản chính, đó là tài khoản retail, tài khoản professional và tài khoản institutional

  • Tài khoản retail: đây là tài khoản với số tiền nạp tối thiểu thấp nhất, theo công bố trên website thì khoản tiền nạp này lên đến 1,000 USD, tuy nhiên trên thực tế khi nạp tiền thì sàn chỉ yêu cầu tối thiểu là 100 USD. Một số đặc điểm của tài khoản retail

+ tỷ lệ đòn bẩy tối đa: 1:500

+ giao dịch tất cả các sản phẩm đang cung cấp tại sàn

+ chênh lệch spread từ 0.6 pips

+ khối lượng lệnh tối thiểu: 0.01 lot

+ khối lượng lệnh tối đa: 100 lot

+ nền tảng hỗ trợ các giao dịch tự động eas nhưng chỉ được dùng miễn phí 14 ngày

+ nhận được sự hỗ trợ từ nhà quản lý cá nhân

+ được tham gia đầy đủ các chương trình khuyến mãi, tiền thưởng

  • Tài khoản professional và tài khoản institutional là những tài khoản dành cho những nhà đầu tư chuyên nghiệp, với số vốn lớn, có khả năng giao dịch với khối lượng lớn và đòi hỏi các điều kiện giao dịch tốt hơn nhưng bù lại số tiền nạp tối thiểu rất cao, từ 10,000$ và chịu phí hoa hồng cho mỗi giao dịch. Tuy nhiên, sàn forex này lại không cung cấp bất kỳ một thông tin nào về các thông số và điều kiện giao dịch của 2 tài khoản này, ngoại trừ các ưu đãi về dịch vụ đi kèm. Điều này gây khó khăn cho nhà đầu tư khi tìm hiểu về các loại tài khoản để đăng ký, họ chỉ có thể mở tài khoản và bắt đầu nạp tiền thì có lẽ lúc đó mới biết được các thông tin này.

I am broker, i am broker.

Ngoài ra, AM broker cũng cho phép nhà đầu tư giao dịch thử trên tài khoản demo và cung cấp thêm một loại tài khoản quản lý PAMM, nói một cách dễ hiểu thì người mở tài khoản PAMM sẽ trở thành nhà quản lý, sử dụng tiền của những nhà đầu tư khác để giao dịch, lợi nhuận có được sẽ chia theo tỷ lệ góp cho tất cả những nhà đầu tư đã chịu bỏ tiền vào tài khoản PAMM đó, nhà quản lý tài khoản PAMM sẽ nhận được phần trăm lợi nhuận đã được đề nghị lúc ban đầu. Như vậy thì, bất kỳ một nhà đầu tư nào mở tài khoản tại AM broker cũng đều có thể tham gia vào hệ thống này như là một nhà quản lý tài khoản PAMM hoặc là những người theo dõi để đầu tư tiền vào các tài khoản này để tìm kiếm lợi nhuận. Tất nhiên, để đưa ra quyết định đầu tư tiền vào tài khoản PAMM, nhà đầu tư phải liên tục theo dõi và lựa chọn những tài khoản xuất sắc nhất, có tỷ lệ sinh lời cao nhất.

I am broker, i am broker.

Nền tảng giao dịch

AM broker sử dụng một nền tảng giao dịch duy nhất là MT5, đây là một nền tảng được phát triển rất nhiều các tính năng nâng cao, đặc biệt cho phép giao dịch cổ phiếu (MT4 không có), thích hợp cho cả những nhà đầu tư nhỏ và nhà đầu tư chuyên nghiệp. Đây là phần mềm rất phổ biến trên thế giới (chỉ xếp sau MT4)

  • 21 khung thời gian, 3 loại biểu đồ giá

  • Hơn 50 các chỉ báo kỹ thuật và hơn 20 công cụ phân tích biểu đồ

  • Hệ thống giao dịch tự động eas, test các chiến lược, nhưng chỉ được thử nghiệm 14 ngày

  • Cung cấp tin tức thị trường và lịch kinh tế hỗ trợ nhà đầu tư dự đoán xu hướng và biến động giá cả

  • Chức năng scripts: lập trình các phím nóng giúp rút ngắn thời gian giao dịch, đòi hỏi phải có kiến thức về lập trình

  • Dịch vụ máy chủ ảo VPS, nhưng phải trả phí

  • Nền tảng MT5 được sử dụng trên máy tính (windows, mac OS, linux, ubuntu…), điện thoại di động và trên web

Giao diện MT5 trên máy tính

I am broker, i am broker.

Ngoài ra, AM broker còn cung cấp dịch vụ sao chép giao dịch, dịch vụ này sẽ được liên kết với nền tảng MT5 trên máy tính. Với dịch vụ này, nhà đầu tư có thể sao chép giao dịch (mua tín hiệu) của các trader thành công trên thị trường và cũng có thể chia sẻ các tín hiệu giao dịch của mình cho các trader khác để kiếm thêm thu nhập.

15 cool ways to say I’m broke

How do you tell people that you're broke?

We all know what it's like to be running low on funds. Instead of being stressed about being broke, let's have some fun and look at creative ways to say that you have no money.

The best advice I can give you is NOT to ever have to say you're broke.

It's so easy these days to make money (even from home with no degree or experience), that I'd recommend you work on this broke thing immediately!!

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Get our best tips to make money easily without getting a 9 to 5 job. No degree or experience required. Earn money fast.

Some people are earning 6-digits from home!

How do you say I

Mainly deriving from cockney english and african american idioms, slang has become an increasing popular way for groups to create exclusivity and style by creating their own languages. I found that the best way to sound cool, when I was researching words for money and merging them with ways to say “I don’t have any”, was to use the names of world currencies and words that were never intended to have that meaning. Here’s 15 cool ways to let everybody know that if you wanted to put your “2 cents in”, you couldn’t:

1. Runnin’ on empty.

Have you ever wondered how long you could drive on empty before your car physically stopped moving? This is one of the most scary and exhilarating things to try. We all know that when the gauge says empty there is still a reserve that will allow us to get to a station to fill up (thought to be enough to drive 40km or 25 miles) so to say you are “runnin’ on empty” means you haven’t got much to spare.

Pro renters insurance tip

Renters insurance doesn't just cover the replacement of your belongings, but also protects you if someone gets hurt on your property. Limits usually start at $100,000.

2. Scrounging for shrapnel.

Somehow coins magically always end up falling out of our pockets when we sit on the couch. Coins are compared to shrapnel which were metal fragments that were put in bullet shells to make projectiles and create a more damaging impact. I can remember an instance when I was a few cents short when I heard the ice cream man coming and thinking he’d be gone before I got some money and permission from my parents; so where did I go to get those last few cents for my icecream? You guessed it, found a nice shiny dollar and got TWO!

3. Looking for loot.

I don’t know whose idea it was first, but it was very smart of banks to put the money in those bags with the dollar signs on them when they were getting robbed, that way the police would know who to chase.

4. Chasing chips.

Often done by those who can’t afford to, gambling has long been thought of as a way to make lots of money, fast. Portrayed all over the world from card games in classic “western” movies to tiles in dingy basements in the asian underworld, with so many ways to gamble, the thrill associated with not knowing the outcome and the chance to win money, it provides the perfect combination that can attract anyone.

5. Diggin’ for dinero.

The spanish word for money, dinero became apart of the american slang vernacular when robert de niro became the acclaimed actor he is today.

6. Ploughing for pennies.

When it was time for the seasonal harvest, this was when all the hard work paid off. The harvest marked the end of the growing season and was cause for much celebration in many religions and tribes. Much money was to be made from producing crops, but farmers always took risks with bad weather conditions and bad harvest timing, which would certainly result in a poor yield and quantity.

7. On A quest for quid.

The english are well known for their rhyming cockney slang and have well over 100 words that describe money. Some are based on their political past (like a “maggie”, named after margaret thatcher) and some are even based on famous crimes that took place. One example is what we know as a grand ($1,000) is known a “bag of sand”.

8. In pursuit of pesos.

The peso (literally meaning “weight”) was the first currency to use the dollar sign ($), which the US later adopted and up until the 12th century was the most traded currency in the world. The US used the peso as their currency up until 1792 and it set the benchmark of comparison for most asian currencies during that time.

9. Rummaging for rubles.

During WWI, food shortages and rising prices became very serious problems in russia. Together with inflation these shortages were especially a problem in the capital, st petersburg, where poor transportation networks made reaching suppliers particularly difficult. Shops closed early due to a lack of bread, sugar, meat and other provisions, and lines lengthened massively for what remained. Not surprisingly, strikes increased steadily from the middle of 1915, and so did crime; working-class women in st petersburg reportedly spent about forty hours a week begging in food lines while some turned to prostitution or crime.

10. Trawling for treasure.

With the success of the pirates of the caribbean movies and because they feature johnny depp, acting like a pirate has now become even cooler. Legend has it that pirates would bury what their stolen fortunes in large chests and create maps so they could find them again later. These maps were usually misleading in case they fell into the wrong hands.

And the last 5 ways you can sound cool is by making comparisons…

11. I’ve got less dough than a pizza hut.

A variation of the slang word for money “bread” (words for money were often coined for the value of what it could buy), it is only natural you would compare your financial situation with what pizza hut use to make their pizza (isn’t it?)

12. I’ve got less tenners than an opera.

Making a pun on the word “tenors”, a tenner is an english slang word for a £10 note. An opera usually has four male voices, with the tenor being the highest and most difficult to perfect.

13. I’ve got less green than a golf course.

The aim of golf is to get the ball to the green in the least amount of shots possible. The green is the most manicured part of the course, with tremendous efforts taken to mow and cut its grasses to precise lengths. Directly related as well to the color of money in northern american, the “greenback” is a common name used in the foreign exchange market.

14. I’ve got less jack than a deck of playing cards.

Originating from the prostitute murderer “jack the ripper”, to say I haven’t got “jack” became part of the english vernacular because jack’s existence was thought to be a hoax. Solidified by the fact that the murders were never solved and jack never caught, saying you had “jack” meant you had nothing.

15. I haven’t got quite enough dosh to be posh.

The word “dosh” is now used to mean a reasonable amount of spending money but is said to have originated from elizabethan england as a shortening of the words “doss-house”. A doss-house was a very cheap hostel or room where one would sleep on a bundle (french word ‘dossier’) of straw. It is not uncommon to hear that the word posh originated from england and stands for port out, starboard home, referring to the wealthy that we able to travel by ship and requested the first class cabins that were shaded from the sun on outbound voyages east and homeward voyages west. Apparently this is not true.

With the amount of words we have to describe money, there is an endless array of phrases, metaphors and analogies to describe your financial worth. As I’ve discovered, the secret to sounding cool, in this instance, is to mix an historical link with a humorous play on words. And remember, you read it on the internet, so it must be true.

Đánh giá sàn ambroker mới nhất 2021 | AM broker review

Tổng quan sàn và thông tin pháp lý

AM broker là một nhà môi giới forex và cfds rất mới trên thị trường, chỉ được thành lập cách đây 1 năm, 2018, sở hữu bởi công ty AM globe services ltd. Theo như website của sàn thì công ty này được đăng ký như là một công ty kinh doanh quốc tế và được cấp phép bởi FSA – cơ quan dịch vụ tài chính st. Vincent and grenadines, tuy nhiên không có bất kỳ một tài liệu nào để chứng minh giấy phép này cả, ngay khi truy cập vào trang web chính thức của FSA thì cũng không tìm thấy bất kỳ thông tin nào về việc được cấp phép của AM broker. Có lẽ vì là một sàn giao dịch mới, nên chưa đủ những điều kiện để có được giấy phép của các cơ quan uy tín như FCA, ASIC hay cysec. Đây là một vấn đề khá quan trọng khi quyết định mở tài khoản tại sàn này vì tài khoản của nhà đầu tư sẽ không an toàn.

Bạn chưa biết đầu tư ngoại hối là gì? Tham khảo:

Sản phẩm giao dịch

AM broker cung cấp gần như đầy đủ các loại sản phẩm hiện có trên thị trường, tuy nhiên một vài loại với số lượng còn khá ít như forex (không cho phép giao dịch các cặp ngoại lai), số lượng tiền điện tử còn hạn chế và không có giao dịch hàng nông sản

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  • Tiền điện tử: tại AM broker, nhà đầu tư chỉ được giao dịch 5 loại tiền điện tử phổ biến, đó là bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, ripple và bitcoin cash

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Tài khoản giao dịch

AM broker cung cấp 3 loại tài khoản chính, đó là tài khoản retail, tài khoản professional và tài khoản institutional

  • Tài khoản retail: đây là tài khoản với số tiền nạp tối thiểu thấp nhất, theo công bố trên website thì khoản tiền nạp này lên đến 1,000 USD, tuy nhiên trên thực tế khi nạp tiền thì sàn chỉ yêu cầu tối thiểu là 100 USD. Một số đặc điểm của tài khoản retail

+ tỷ lệ đòn bẩy tối đa: 1:500

+ giao dịch tất cả các sản phẩm đang cung cấp tại sàn

+ chênh lệch spread từ 0.6 pips

+ khối lượng lệnh tối thiểu: 0.01 lot

+ khối lượng lệnh tối đa: 100 lot

+ nền tảng hỗ trợ các giao dịch tự động eas nhưng chỉ được dùng miễn phí 14 ngày

+ nhận được sự hỗ trợ từ nhà quản lý cá nhân

+ được tham gia đầy đủ các chương trình khuyến mãi, tiền thưởng

  • Tài khoản professional và tài khoản institutional là những tài khoản dành cho những nhà đầu tư chuyên nghiệp, với số vốn lớn, có khả năng giao dịch với khối lượng lớn và đòi hỏi các điều kiện giao dịch tốt hơn nhưng bù lại số tiền nạp tối thiểu rất cao, từ 10,000$ và chịu phí hoa hồng cho mỗi giao dịch. Tuy nhiên, sàn forex này lại không cung cấp bất kỳ một thông tin nào về các thông số và điều kiện giao dịch của 2 tài khoản này, ngoại trừ các ưu đãi về dịch vụ đi kèm. Điều này gây khó khăn cho nhà đầu tư khi tìm hiểu về các loại tài khoản để đăng ký, họ chỉ có thể mở tài khoản và bắt đầu nạp tiền thì có lẽ lúc đó mới biết được các thông tin này.

I am broker, i am broker.

Ngoài ra, AM broker cũng cho phép nhà đầu tư giao dịch thử trên tài khoản demo và cung cấp thêm một loại tài khoản quản lý PAMM, nói một cách dễ hiểu thì người mở tài khoản PAMM sẽ trở thành nhà quản lý, sử dụng tiền của những nhà đầu tư khác để giao dịch, lợi nhuận có được sẽ chia theo tỷ lệ góp cho tất cả những nhà đầu tư đã chịu bỏ tiền vào tài khoản PAMM đó, nhà quản lý tài khoản PAMM sẽ nhận được phần trăm lợi nhuận đã được đề nghị lúc ban đầu. Như vậy thì, bất kỳ một nhà đầu tư nào mở tài khoản tại AM broker cũng đều có thể tham gia vào hệ thống này như là một nhà quản lý tài khoản PAMM hoặc là những người theo dõi để đầu tư tiền vào các tài khoản này để tìm kiếm lợi nhuận. Tất nhiên, để đưa ra quyết định đầu tư tiền vào tài khoản PAMM, nhà đầu tư phải liên tục theo dõi và lựa chọn những tài khoản xuất sắc nhất, có tỷ lệ sinh lời cao nhất.

I am broker, i am broker.

Nền tảng giao dịch

AM broker sử dụng một nền tảng giao dịch duy nhất là MT5, đây là một nền tảng được phát triển rất nhiều các tính năng nâng cao, đặc biệt cho phép giao dịch cổ phiếu (MT4 không có), thích hợp cho cả những nhà đầu tư nhỏ và nhà đầu tư chuyên nghiệp. Đây là phần mềm rất phổ biến trên thế giới (chỉ xếp sau MT4)

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Giao diện MT5 trên máy tính

I am broker, i am broker.

Ngoài ra, AM broker còn cung cấp dịch vụ sao chép giao dịch, dịch vụ này sẽ được liên kết với nền tảng MT5 trên máy tính. Với dịch vụ này, nhà đầu tư có thể sao chép giao dịch (mua tín hiệu) của các trader thành công trên thị trường và cũng có thể chia sẻ các tín hiệu giao dịch của mình cho các trader khác để kiếm thêm thu nhập.

What is an investment broker?

investment broker

If you’re getting started in investing, an investment broker can be a great asset as your connection to the market. Investment brokers serve as go-betweens for buyers and sellers on the stock market. They enable their clients to purchase stocks, bonds and other securities from the exchanges.

What is an investment broker?

An investment broker is a person or institution who conducts investment transactions on behalf of a client. Often, an individual broker works for a large brokerage firm, like merrill lynch or morgan stanley. You work with this person to buy and sell investments. This is what’s known as a regular broker. You may also find broker-resellers who act as intermediaries between a client and a larger broker instead of managing investments directly with a client.

Depending on the type of service they offer, a broker can also provide personalized investment advice and retirement planning help. This is known as a full-service broker. To the opposite, discount brokers just serve to execute the trades you want to make.

A broker can also refer to the firm itself. In this case, the firm acts as the transaction agent for the customer. This occurs more often online and the firms provide only the basic service of buying and selling investments.

Do you need a broker?

What Is an Investment Broker?

In order to make investments like buying a selling stocks, you need a broker. Brokers are specifically licensed to make trades with securities exchanges. However, you can choose how much service and support you want from your broker by choosing either a full-service broker or a discount broker.

A full-service broker is typically an agent of a brokerage firm. You’ll meet with a full-service broker to discuss your investment goals do they can conduct research on your behalf and offer personalized advice. They should also keep you up-to-date with market trends, stock performance and tax laws. A full-service broker is best for individuals who have a significant investment portfolio that they want managed by an expert. It is important to find a broker who has a fiduciary duty. This means they must act with your best interests at heart and not for third-party commissions.

Discount brokers, on the other hand, simply execute the trades you order. These investment brokers don’t provide any advice or review of your portfolio. If you participate with an online brokerage, the company you have your brokerage account with, like E-trade or ally, serves as your discount broker.

How much do brokers cost?

Investment brokers generally charge per trade, with costs varying based on the level or service offered by the broker. Discount brokers offer one simple service, and for that, they charge a low fee. Expect discount brokers to charge somewhere between $5 and $30 for each trade. Full-service brokers, on the other hand, roll their research and advisory service costs into their trade fees, resulting in trade fees of $100 – $200 each. Full-service brokers typically also charge an annual maintenance fee for their services.

It is also important to remember that most brokerage accounts have minimum opening balances, often of $500 or more. Be sure you understand all a broker’s fees before opening an account with them.

How do you find an investment broker?

What Is an Investment Broker?

There are many brokers and brokerage firms out there. While it may seem ovewhelming, it does give you the opportunity to choose the broker that offers what you want. Again, figure out what kind of investing you want to do, how much you want to pay and the type of broker you’ll need. Then, you can compare your preferences to what each firm offers.

Do you want a full-service broker or a discount broker? Consider how much help and advice you want in your investing to make this decision. Are you someone who will be making a lot of trades? If so, look for a broker who charges low trade fees. Do you want to invest in stocks, bonds, options, mutual funds, etfs or a mix? Make sure your chosen broker offers those types of securities. Also consider the availability of online, mobile or over-the-phone trades, account minimums, monthly or annual fees and whether they allow check writing or other withdrawal methods from the account.

Before opening an account, you’ll want do some research into the individual broker as well. Brokers must be registered with the financial industry regulatory authority, or FINRA, and you can research the history of both individual brokers and brokerage firms on the FINRA website. Informational available includes credentials, operations information, employment data, and more.

The takeaway

Having an investment broker is a crucial part of investing. You’ll need one to make your trades within the stock market. If you’re new to investing, you might want to start with a full-service broker who can more directly manage your investments. Once you think you’ve got the hang of it, a discount broker might make more sense so you can save money on broker fees.

I am broker

When I went to withdraw funds from my trading account with cryptoarb.Io. The account manager took a trade to burn my whole account. Even thou I told him not to trade on the account until I received my withdrawal. Can you advise me what to do from here or can you recommend who I need to contact to get my money back. I have all my info to produce on your request to confirm my complaint above. Hope you can help me recover my funds.

Cryptoarb.Io claims to be located in london, UK. However, we couldn’t find any information about its regulation with the UK’s financial conduct authority. Moreover, the terms and conditions from the website state the broker is actually registered offshore, in the st vincent and the grenadines. St vincent & grenadines doesn’t have the regulation of forex activity under its jurisdiction. You can read our detailed article on why brokers from st vincent & grenadines should be avoided.

In your case we would recommend you to report this issue to the local police and financial authorities of the country. You can also try withdrawing smaller amounts of money from your trading account.

7 responses to “I am a victim of cryptoarb.Io broker”

mir ist das auch passiert.
Ein bernhard schmidt wollte immer mehr geld.
Auszahlungen müssen erst über diese person genehmigt werden das heißt wenn diese verbrecher von ihnen kein geld mehr erwarten können sie ihr geld leider vergessen
auch ich bin interessiert diesen leuten auf der reise ins gefängnis zu unterstützen
bitte um interessengemeinschaft hier melden

seien sie vorsichtig
auch ich bin von diesen leuten betrogen worden
lassen sie sich auf nichts ein.
Das ganze ist nicht realistisch alles betrug.
Die wollen immer mehr geld
und wenn nichts mehr zu holen ist meldet sich keiner mehr
ihr geld können sie auch nicht eigenständig ab buchen muss erst genehmigt werden
bitte bitte vorsicht .

Cryptoarb.Io are criminals they deactived my account when I requested for withdrawal , avoid them especially steve and robert
they will randomly call numbers asking you to invest

I was also caught by cryptoarb. There operations is a scam. I have dealt with many other trading platforms before and even still trading on other platforms.
For anyone reading this, DO NOT TRADE WITH CRYPTOARB.

I am broker

When I went to withdraw funds from my trading account with cryptoarb.Io. The account manager took a trade to burn my whole account. Even thou I told him not to trade on the account until I received my withdrawal. Can you advise me what to do from here or can you recommend who I need to contact to get my money back. I have all my info to produce on your request to confirm my complaint above. Hope you can help me recover my funds.

Cryptoarb.Io claims to be located in london, UK. However, we couldn’t find any information about its regulation with the UK’s financial conduct authority. Moreover, the terms and conditions from the website state the broker is actually registered offshore, in the st vincent and the grenadines. St vincent & grenadines doesn’t have the regulation of forex activity under its jurisdiction. You can read our detailed article on why brokers from st vincent & grenadines should be avoided.

In your case we would recommend you to report this issue to the local police and financial authorities of the country. You can also try withdrawing smaller amounts of money from your trading account.

7 responses to “I am a victim of cryptoarb.Io broker”

mir ist das auch passiert.
Ein bernhard schmidt wollte immer mehr geld.
Auszahlungen müssen erst über diese person genehmigt werden das heißt wenn diese verbrecher von ihnen kein geld mehr erwarten können sie ihr geld leider vergessen
auch ich bin interessiert diesen leuten auf der reise ins gefängnis zu unterstützen
bitte um interessengemeinschaft hier melden

seien sie vorsichtig
auch ich bin von diesen leuten betrogen worden
lassen sie sich auf nichts ein.
Das ganze ist nicht realistisch alles betrug.
Die wollen immer mehr geld
und wenn nichts mehr zu holen ist meldet sich keiner mehr
ihr geld können sie auch nicht eigenständig ab buchen muss erst genehmigt werden
bitte bitte vorsicht .

Cryptoarb.Io are criminals they deactived my account when I requested for withdrawal , avoid them especially steve and robert
they will randomly call numbers asking you to invest

I was also caught by cryptoarb. There operations is a scam. I have dealt with many other trading platforms before and even still trading on other platforms.
For anyone reading this, DO NOT TRADE WITH CRYPTOARB.

10 tips to be A successful freight broker!

Freight Broker

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Some freight brokers gain this experience by working with a trucking company or as a truck driver, while others have previous work experience in logistics roles with small or large companies. This on-the-job training is an essential component of understanding what it takes to be a freight broker who is successful over time.

2. Understand the business costs

Although the cost barriers to begin a freight brokerage business are low compared to other industries, there are still expenses which must be calculated before becoming a broker. Freight brokers are likely to need a computer and a dedicated cell phone for business operations, as well as systems that help facilitate loads and connect customers to the process.

These expenses, coupled with the licensing requirements mentioned below, can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Understanding these costs is necessary to ensure a broker is prepared to start and maintain the business.

3. Follow licensing requirements

All freight brokers operating in the united states are required to hold a valid license in order to comply with federal rules and regulations. The federal motor carrier safety administration, FMCSA, charges a one-time fee for a freight broker license, and this registration must be done prior to working with any customers.

Fleet Management

Freight brokers must also secure a bond or trust as part of the business requirements, detailed below. Failing to follow through with these licensing requirements may lead to devastating results for a freight broker, such as the inability to get a license or bond in the future.

4. Know the difference between a bond and a trust

One of the licensing requirements for becoming a freight broker is having a bond or trust in the amount of $75,000. This requirement provides protection to the broker’s customers in the event business transactions do not follow federal guidelines. Claims against a broker’s business are paid by either the bond or the trust, and they can represent a significant cost to the broker.

A freight broker bond is the most common choice because its cost is calculated as a percentage of the total bond requirement. Brokers pay far less for a bond than they do for a trust, which requires a broker to place the entire $75,000 into a trust account up-front. Understanding these differences can save freight brokers money both initially and over time, allowing them to focus on other needs and expenses within the business.

5. Build business relationships

No freight broker is successful unless he or she has worked to cultivate business relationships over time. Some business connections come from networking with other transportation industry professionals, while others are sourced from previous jobs or employers.

6. Have a system for communication

Successful freight brokers also have the right systems in place when it comes to communicating, not only with prospects and customers, but with business contacts. Communication systems come in many different forms, from e-mail and phone calls to texting or messaging applications.

Whatever the type of communication system used, successful brokers ensure they share relevant and timely information with customers and business partners consistently.

7. Use technology to your advantage

Freight brokers who are successful also use technology to their advantage. Several different forms of technology exist, specifically designed to help brokers ease their business processes and automate tasks on a daily basis. Technology exists for scheduling, instant pricing, and business analytics, all meant to help brokers streamline their business operations over time.

8. Continuing education

Although industry experience is one staple of being a successful broker, those who are able to maintain a profitable business allocate some of their time toward continuing education. Freight broker training schools operate throughout the country as well as online, allowing brokers to gain deeper insights into the business, the industry, and best practices.

9. Market the business

Successful freight brokers understand that competition is high in the industry, and more licensed brokers are expected to enter the market each year. As this takes place, brokers must have a strategy in place for marketing their business.

Marketing efforts may include having a social media messaging plan, an e-mail campaign, or print or radio ads to entice new customers to connect with the brokerage. Some freight brokers also focus on networking with shippers and carriers at local events or through online forums to enhance their business reach.

10. Put in the time and effort

Finally, freight brokers must be dedicated to the business if they want to experience success to any extent. Brokers have the luxury of working as much or as little as they want, but those who are the most successful commit to a full work week to ensure they are meeting the needs of their customers each and every day.

Eric weisbrot is the chief marketing officer of JW surety bonds. With years of experience in the surety industry under several different roles within the company, he is also a contributing author to the surety bond blog.

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