Number 1 Capital Markets Review, number 1 capital markets.

Number 1 capital markets

It is really important that you do not trade any money that you can't afford to lose because regardless of how much research you have done, or how confident you are in your trade, there will always be a time that you lose.

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Number 1 Capital Markets Review, number 1 capital markets.

Number 1 Capital Markets Review, number 1 capital markets.

Number 1 Capital Markets Review, number 1 capital markets.

Membership #: 254900LUG07G07A31U72 - as we have shared values of efficiency, transparency, and trust associated with legal entity identification (LEI) in the handling of investments. As finance professionals, the LEI is the highest standard

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Trading leveraged products such as forex and cfds may not be suitable for all investors as they carry a high degree of risk to your capital.

It is really important that you do not trade any money that you can't afford to lose because regardless of how much research you have done, or how confident you are in your trade, there will always be a time that you lose.


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Tradeforexsa, as part of our parent company schlossbrink AB, is a full member of :

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Membership #: 254900LUG07G07A31U72 - as we have shared values of efficiency, transparency, and trust associated with legal entity identification (LEI) in the handling of investments. As finance professionals, the LEI is the highest standard

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Risk warning

Trading leveraged products such as forex and cfds may not be suitable for all investors as they carry a high degree of risk to your capital.

It is really important that you do not trade any money that you can't afford to lose because regardless of how much research you have done, or how confident you are in your trade, there will always be a time that you lose.


Capital markets

What are capital markets?

Capital markets are venues where savings and investments are channeled between the suppliers who have capital and those who are in need of capital. The entities that have capital include retail and institutional investors while those who seek capital are businesses, governments, and people.

Capital markets are composed of primary and secondary markets. The most common capital markets are the stock market and the bond market.

Capital markets seek to improve transactional efficiencies. These markets bring those who hold capital and those seeking capital together and provide a place where entities can exchange securities.

Capital markets

Key takeaways

  • Capital markets refer to the places where savings and investments are moved between suppliers of capital and those who are in need of capital.

  • Capital markets consist of the primary market, where new securities are issued and sold, and the secondary market, where already-issued securities are traded between investors.

  • The most common capital markets are the stock market and the bond market.

Understanding capital markets

The term capital market broadly defines the place where various entities trade different financial instruments. These venues may include the stock market, the bond market, and the currency and foreign exchange markets. Most markets are concentrated in major financial centers including new york, london, singapore, and hong kong.

Capital markets are composed of the suppliers and users of funds. Suppliers include households and the institutions serving them—pension funds, life insurance companies, charitable foundations, and non-financial companies—that generate cash beyond their needs for investment. Users of funds include home and motor vehicle purchasers, non-financial companies, and governments financing infrastructure investment and operating expenses.

Capital markets are used to sell financial products such as equities and debt securities. Equities are stocks, which are ownership shares in a company. Debt securities, such as bonds, are interest-bearing ious.

These markets are divided into two different categories: primary markets—where new equity stock and bond issues are sold to investors—and secondary markets, which trade existing securities. Capital markets are a crucial part of a functioning modern economy because they move money from the people who have it to those who need it for productive use.

Primary versus secondary capital markets

Capital markets are composed of primary and secondary markets. The majority of modern primary and secondary markets are computer-based electronic platforms.

Primary markets are open to specific investors who buy securities directly from the issuing company. These securities are considered primary offerings or initial public offerings (ipos). When a company goes public, it sells its stocks and bonds to large-scale and institutional investors such as hedge funds and mutual funds.

The secondary market, on the other hand, includes venues overseen by a regulatory body like the securities and exchange commission (SEC) where existing or already-issued securities are traded between investors. Issuing companies do not have a part in the secondary market. The new york stock exchange (NYSE) and nasdaq are examples of the secondary market.

The secondary market serves an important purpose in capital markets because it creates liquidity, giving investors the confidence to purchase securities.

Capital markets expanded

Capital markets can refer to markets in a broad sense for any financial asset.

Corporate finance

In this realm, the capital market is where investable capital for non-financial companies is available. Investable capital includes the external funds included in a weighted average cost of capital calculation—common and preferred equity, public bonds, and private debt—that are also used in a return on invested capital calculation. Capital markets in corporate finance may also refer to equity funding, excluding debt.

Financial services

Financial companies involved in private rather than public markets are part of the capital market. They include investment banks, private equity, and venture capital firms in contrast to broker-dealers and public exchanges.

Public markets

Operated by a regulated exchange, capital markets can refer to equity markets in contrast to debt, bond, fixed income, money, derivatives, and commodities markets. Mirroring the corporate finance context, capital markets can also mean equity as well as debt, bond, or fixed income markets.

Capital markets may also refer to investments that receive capital gains tax treatment. While short-term gains—assets held under a year—are taxed as income according to a tax bracket, there are different rates for long-term gains.   these rates are often related to transactions arranged privately through investment banks or private funds such as private equity or venture capital.

Capital markets

What are capital markets?

Capital markets are venues where savings and investments are channeled between the suppliers who have capital and those who are in need of capital. The entities that have capital include retail and institutional investors while those who seek capital are businesses, governments, and people.

Capital markets are composed of primary and secondary markets. The most common capital markets are the stock market and the bond market.

Capital markets seek to improve transactional efficiencies. These markets bring those who hold capital and those seeking capital together and provide a place where entities can exchange securities.

Capital markets

Key takeaways

  • Capital markets refer to the places where savings and investments are moved between suppliers of capital and those who are in need of capital.

  • Capital markets consist of the primary market, where new securities are issued and sold, and the secondary market, where already-issued securities are traded between investors.

  • The most common capital markets are the stock market and the bond market.

Understanding capital markets

The term capital market broadly defines the place where various entities trade different financial instruments. These venues may include the stock market, the bond market, and the currency and foreign exchange markets. Most markets are concentrated in major financial centers including new york, london, singapore, and hong kong.

Capital markets are composed of the suppliers and users of funds. Suppliers include households and the institutions serving them—pension funds, life insurance companies, charitable foundations, and non-financial companies—that generate cash beyond their needs for investment. Users of funds include home and motor vehicle purchasers, non-financial companies, and governments financing infrastructure investment and operating expenses.

Capital markets are used to sell financial products such as equities and debt securities. Equities are stocks, which are ownership shares in a company. Debt securities, such as bonds, are interest-bearing ious.

These markets are divided into two different categories: primary markets—where new equity stock and bond issues are sold to investors—and secondary markets, which trade existing securities. Capital markets are a crucial part of a functioning modern economy because they move money from the people who have it to those who need it for productive use.

Primary versus secondary capital markets

Capital markets are composed of primary and secondary markets. The majority of modern primary and secondary markets are computer-based electronic platforms.

Primary markets are open to specific investors who buy securities directly from the issuing company. These securities are considered primary offerings or initial public offerings (ipos). When a company goes public, it sells its stocks and bonds to large-scale and institutional investors such as hedge funds and mutual funds.

The secondary market, on the other hand, includes venues overseen by a regulatory body like the securities and exchange commission (SEC) where existing or already-issued securities are traded between investors. Issuing companies do not have a part in the secondary market. The new york stock exchange (NYSE) and nasdaq are examples of the secondary market.

The secondary market serves an important purpose in capital markets because it creates liquidity, giving investors the confidence to purchase securities.

Capital markets expanded

Capital markets can refer to markets in a broad sense for any financial asset.

Corporate finance

In this realm, the capital market is where investable capital for non-financial companies is available. Investable capital includes the external funds included in a weighted average cost of capital calculation—common and preferred equity, public bonds, and private debt—that are also used in a return on invested capital calculation. Capital markets in corporate finance may also refer to equity funding, excluding debt.

Financial services

Financial companies involved in private rather than public markets are part of the capital market. They include investment banks, private equity, and venture capital firms in contrast to broker-dealers and public exchanges.

Public markets

Operated by a regulated exchange, capital markets can refer to equity markets in contrast to debt, bond, fixed income, money, derivatives, and commodities markets. Mirroring the corporate finance context, capital markets can also mean equity as well as debt, bond, or fixed income markets.

Capital markets may also refer to investments that receive capital gains tax treatment. While short-term gains—assets held under a year—are taxed as income according to a tax bracket, there are different rates for long-term gains.   these rates are often related to transactions arranged privately through investment banks or private funds such as private equity or venture capital.

Number 1 capital markets review



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Financial memberships

Tradeforexsa, as part of our parent company schlossbrink AB, is a full member of :

Global legal entity identifier foundation (GLEIF)

Membership #: 254900LUG07G07A31U72 - as we have shared values of efficiency, transparency, and trust associated with legal entity identification (LEI) in the handling of investments. As finance professionals, the LEI is the highest standard

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Risk warning

Trading leveraged products such as forex and cfds may not be suitable for all investors as they carry a high degree of risk to your capital.

It is really important that you do not trade any money that you can't afford to lose because regardless of how much research you have done, or how confident you are in your trade, there will always be a time that you lose.


230 years of heritage

Over 450 employees

Specialist clearing & execution

Robust risk management


ED&F man capital markets

We are a global financial brokerage business and the financial services division of ED&F man group. Blending the heritage and experience of ED&F man with our capital markets expertise, we offer a business ethos centering on integrity, trust, client care and astute risk management along with a strong compliance focus.


ED&F man capital markets offers access to a diversified and comprehensive range of asset classes and markets to institutional clients and experienced investors.


Our metals business is a market leader servicing global clients encompassing the entire supply chain


We offer execution and clearing services in oil and oil products, freight, coal, iron ore, emissions, gas and power

Foreign exchange

Our foreign exchange desk offers a global coverage model with best execution on OTC and futures products


Our specialised equities offering provides execution services in cash equities and equity options, equity financing, custody and DMA

Fixed income

Our team of experienced traders offer clients a comprehensive range of fixed income products

Futures & options

Our global futures and options product offering provides clients with specialist clearing and execution services

Global presence

Corporate information

ED&F man capital markets is authorised and regulated in accordance with local regulation in all jurisdictions it operates with offices located strategically around the world.



ED&F man capital markets inc.

ED&F man derivative products inc.
425 S. Financial place, suite 1850
chicago, IL 60605

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ED&F man capital markets MENA limited,
dubai office 17-042
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P.O. Box 507074

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ED&F man capital markets limited, hamburg branch
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ED&F man capital markets hong kong limited
5613,56/F the center,
99 queen's road central, central
hong kong

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ED&F man capital markets limited
3 london bridge street, london, SE1 9SG
united kingdom

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ED&F man capital markets inc.

ED&F man derivative products inc.
140 east 45th street, 10th floor
new york, NY 10017

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ED&F man capital markets suite 2
level 13
aurora place
88 phillip street
sydney NSW 2000

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We have developed this policy so that you may feel confident about the privacy and security of your personal information.

Countries in the european economic area (EEA) are required to have a similar standard of protection of personal data. This is not always the case outside that area. We do sometimes transfer data outside the EEA and before doing so take steps to ensure that there is adequate protection, as required by relevant data protection legislation.

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If you register for our services, any details you provide may be stored for use on future visits, as we do not want you to give us any information more than once. The details you give us may be combined with information about your use of ED&F man websites and information from other of our records in order to provide you with online services you request.

We respect the privacy of personal email accounts and we store your email addresses just as securely as other personal information. We will not send you unwanted email messages or junk mail, and your details will not be passed to any organisation outside ED&F man capital markets for marketing purposes without your explicit permission.

However, we may use email in response to enquiries you make about our services or service issues.

Disclosure of information

We take all reasonable care to prevent any unauthorised access to your personal data.

We sometimes use other companies to provide some of our services or to provide services to us. To enable them to do this, we may need to let them process your personal information. Our staff and those working for our agents or contractors have a responsibility to keep your information confidential and are only allowed to use it to offer products and services on our behalf.

Right of access to your information

If you want to know exactly what personal information ED&F man capital markets holds on you, you can obtain it. If it transpires that the information held is inaccurate, we will make the necessary amendments and confirm to you that these have been made. Please write to the data protection officer at ED&F man capital markets.

How we protect your data

Our general email enquiry forms are not sent via an encrypted channel and for this reason we ask that you do not include confidential information when using them.

Please help us - we wish our service to meet your expectations on all occasions. To do so we need the information we hold about you to be accurate and up to date. Please help us by informing us promptly of any changes to your personal circumstances.

This privacy policy supplements, but does not supersede, any data protection notice that has previously been provided to you.

A cookie is a small file which is sent to your browser and stored on your computer's hard disc and helps our website understand and track your use of the site and where it can improve the information and services provided. Your website uses cookies solely to gather information on IP addresses, to analyse trends, administer the site, track user's movements on the site and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses are not linked to other personally identifiable information and will not be used to deliver targeted marketing messages. For information about blocking the use of cookies, please refer to the instructions/help screen on your internet browser. Please note that you may not be able to use or access certain parts of the site or online services if you block the use of cookies.

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230 years of heritage

Over 450 employees

Specialist clearing & execution

Robust risk management


ED&F man capital markets

We are a global financial brokerage business and the financial services division of ED&F man group. Blending the heritage and experience of ED&F man with our capital markets expertise, we offer a business ethos centering on integrity, trust, client care and astute risk management along with a strong compliance focus.


ED&F man capital markets offers access to a diversified and comprehensive range of asset classes and markets to institutional clients and experienced investors.


Our metals business is a market leader servicing global clients encompassing the entire supply chain


We offer execution and clearing services in oil and oil products, freight, coal, iron ore, emissions, gas and power

Foreign exchange

Our foreign exchange desk offers a global coverage model with best execution on OTC and futures products


Our specialised equities offering provides execution services in cash equities and equity options, equity financing, custody and DMA

Fixed income

Our team of experienced traders offer clients a comprehensive range of fixed income products

Futures & options

Our global futures and options product offering provides clients with specialist clearing and execution services

Global presence

Corporate information

ED&F man capital markets is authorised and regulated in accordance with local regulation in all jurisdictions it operates with offices located strategically around the world.



ED&F man capital markets inc.

ED&F man derivative products inc.
425 S. Financial place, suite 1850
chicago, IL 60605

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ED&F man capital markets MENA limited,
dubai office 17-042
level 17, central park (commercial) tower
dubai international financial centre
P.O. Box 507074

Contact information



ED&F man capital markets limited, hamburg branch
am sandtorkai 62
20457 hamburg

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ED&F man capital markets hong kong limited
5613,56/F the center,
99 queen's road central, central
hong kong

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ED&F man capital markets limited
3 london bridge street, london, SE1 9SG
united kingdom

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ED&F man capital markets inc.

ED&F man derivative products inc.
140 east 45th street, 10th floor
new york, NY 10017

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ED&F man capital markets suite 2
level 13
aurora place
88 phillip street
sydney NSW 2000

Privacy policy

We have developed this policy so that you may feel confident about the privacy and security of your personal information.

Countries in the european economic area (EEA) are required to have a similar standard of protection of personal data. This is not always the case outside that area. We do sometimes transfer data outside the EEA and before doing so take steps to ensure that there is adequate protection, as required by relevant data protection legislation.

Use of personal information

You may need to register to access our website and where you do not register personal information about you will not be collected by us.

If you register for our services, any details you provide may be stored for use on future visits, as we do not want you to give us any information more than once. The details you give us may be combined with information about your use of ED&F man websites and information from other of our records in order to provide you with online services you request.

We respect the privacy of personal email accounts and we store your email addresses just as securely as other personal information. We will not send you unwanted email messages or junk mail, and your details will not be passed to any organisation outside ED&F man capital markets for marketing purposes without your explicit permission.

However, we may use email in response to enquiries you make about our services or service issues.

Disclosure of information

We take all reasonable care to prevent any unauthorised access to your personal data.

We sometimes use other companies to provide some of our services or to provide services to us. To enable them to do this, we may need to let them process your personal information. Our staff and those working for our agents or contractors have a responsibility to keep your information confidential and are only allowed to use it to offer products and services on our behalf.

Right of access to your information

If you want to know exactly what personal information ED&F man capital markets holds on you, you can obtain it. If it transpires that the information held is inaccurate, we will make the necessary amendments and confirm to you that these have been made. Please write to the data protection officer at ED&F man capital markets.

How we protect your data

Our general email enquiry forms are not sent via an encrypted channel and for this reason we ask that you do not include confidential information when using them.

Please help us - we wish our service to meet your expectations on all occasions. To do so we need the information we hold about you to be accurate and up to date. Please help us by informing us promptly of any changes to your personal circumstances.

This privacy policy supplements, but does not supersede, any data protection notice that has previously been provided to you.

A cookie is a small file which is sent to your browser and stored on your computer's hard disc and helps our website understand and track your use of the site and where it can improve the information and services provided. Your website uses cookies solely to gather information on IP addresses, to analyse trends, administer the site, track user's movements on the site and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. IP addresses are not linked to other personally identifiable information and will not be used to deliver targeted marketing messages. For information about blocking the use of cookies, please refer to the instructions/help screen on your internet browser. Please note that you may not be able to use or access certain parts of the site or online services if you block the use of cookies.

As a result of improvements we make to our services, amendments to laws or regulation or developments in the technology or processes we use, we may change the information we hold about you and/or the way in which or the purposes for which we process such information. Where we require your consent to such change we will notify you of the change. However, unless you inform us otherwise, we will deem your continued use of products and services to which the change relates to constitute your consent to the relevant change.

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Mondeum investment group limited (st. Lucia) is a holding company of capital markets elite group (trinidad and tobago) limited. Capital markets elite group (trinidad and tobago) limited is authorized and licensed by the trinidad and tobago securities and exchange commission to carry on the business of a broker dealer (agent and principal) and investment advisor.

Disclaimers: this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation for brokerage services, investment advisory services, or other products or services in any jurisdiction where we are not authorized to conduct investment business or where such offer or solicitation would be contrary to the securities or local laws and regulations of that jurisdiction. The risk of loss in electronic trading can be substantial, and you are advised to consult with your financial advisor before investing.

Capital markets elite group (trinidad and tobago) limited does not accept accounts for any “U.S. Persons” that it believes have been “solicited” by capital markets elite group (trinidad and tobago) limited within the meaning of rule 15a-6 of the U.S. Securities and exchange commission. For a definition of “U.S. Person” and related information, click here.

Capital markets elite group (trinidad and tobago) limited does not offer services to canadian residents or to persons using a canadian bank account or a credit card issued by a canadian financial institution.

© copyright 2020 capital markets elite group (trinidad and tobago) limited - all rights reserved

Albion plaza, 22-24 victoria avenue, queens park savannah, port of spain, trinidad and tobago

Tanzania capital markets

Tanzania capital markets executive summary

As of september 2020, there are 27 companies listed at the dar es salaam stock exchange (DSE) with a total market capitalization of TZS 15,183.09 billion (USD 6.5 billion).

The DSE all share index (DSEI), which comprises all listed companies at DSE, reached TZS 1,828.80 on 9 th of september 2020, down 14% from its peak for the year at above TZS 2,000 in february of the same year.

At the end of Q1 2020, the total amount of outstanding corporate bonds was TZS 176 billion (USD 76 million) issued by four entities: trade and development bank (TDB), EXIM bank, national microfinance bank (NMB), and tanzania mortgage refinance company (TMRC).

As of 31 st march 2020, total outstanding government bonds stood at TZS 10,864 billion (USD 4.7 billion), marking a 3% increase from the TZS 10,531 billion (USD 4.5 billion) at 31 st december 2020.

Tanzania capital markets history

Tanzania’s stock exchange, the dar es salaam stock exchange (DSE), was established in 1996 as part of the government’s broader economic reforms aimed at stimulating a dynamic private sector to be the primary engine for economic growth in tanzania.

The DSE started business on april 15th, 1998 to support the tanzanian government to privatize parastatal entities in order to boost economic growth, reduce the number of non-performing parastatal enterprises and eliminate budgetary support to them.

Tanzania oxygen limited (DSE:TOL) was the first state-owned company selected for privatization through the DSE.

After TOL’s initial public offering (IPO) at DSE on april 15th, 1998 tanzania breweries limited (DSE:TBL) followed on september 28th of the same year.

Tanzania cigarette company (DSE:TCC), swissport (DSE:SWIS), tanzania portland cement company (DSE:TPCC), tanga cement company limited (DSE:TCCL) and national microfinance bank (NMB) completed the list of 7 companies out of 330 shortlisted to be privatized.

Following these first state-driven listings, other private companies decided to list in DSE as a part of their corporate growth strategy to raise capital.

TATEPA, CRDB bank, precision air, maendeleo bank, swala gas & oil, MKOMBOZI commercial bank, and DCB commercial bank listed respectively on december 17th, 1999, june 17th, 2009, december 21st, 2011, november 4th, 2013, august 11th, 2014, december 29th, 2014, and september 16th, 2008.

DSE also counts with six cross listed companies: kenya airways (DSE:KA), east african breweries (DSE:EABL), jubilee holdings (JHL), kenya commercial bank (DSE:KCB), national media group (DSE:NMG), and uchumi supermarket (DSE:USL) from kenya.

These companies decided to cross list mainly to earn a higher visibility and name recognition in the sub-saharan region and to access potential investors in different markets for future plans to raise capital, as it was declared by the companies’ ceos at the listing moment.

The DSE has also managed to diversify financial instruments on the market with equities, derivatives, government and corporate bonds and real estate investment trusts (reits) with the watumishi housing company (WHC-REIT) which was the first REIT in east africa.

The DSE launched its own IPO of 15m ordinary shares at TZS 500 per share on 16th may 2016. As of 9 th september 2020, the DSE trades at TZS 890, an increase of 78%.

Tanzania capital markets regulation

The capital markets and securities authority (CMSA) is a government agency established to promote and regulate securities business in tanzania that has been established under the capital markets and securities act, 1994.

The act sought to establish the legal framework for the regulation of the securities industry that is supplemented by regulations promulgated by the tanzanian ministry of finance.

Tanzania capital market players

The tanzanian capital market is composed of 27 listed equity securities, 6 custodians, and 13 brokers.

DSE listed companies

companysecurity codeactivityIPO price (TZS)september 8th, 2020 price (TZS)
CRDB bankCRDBbanking350150
DCB commercial bank (DCB)DCBbanking380265
dar es salaam stock
east african breweries EABLalcoholic beverages in kenya, uganda, tanzania and mauritius2,3003,680
jubilee holdingsJHLinsurance5,8604,560
kenya airways KAair transport21580
kenya commercial bank (KCB)KCBbanking440760
maendeleo bankMBPbanking500490
mwalimu commercial bankMCBbanking500500
mkombozi commercial bankMKCBbanking1,000780
mucoba bankMUCOBbanking250400
national investment company NICOfinancials300165
national microfinance
bank (NMB)
national media group (NMG)NMGmedia3,600385
precision air servicesPALair transport475400
SWALA gas and oilSWALAoil & gas sector500490
swissport tanzaniaSWISlogistic services. Airports handling of passengers and cargo2251,180
tanzania breweriesTBLalcoholic beverages, fruit beverages and non-alcoholic beverages within tanzania55010,900
tanzania cigarette companyTCCmanufacturing, marketing, distribution and sale of cigarettes41017,000
tanga cement company TCCLproduction, sale and marketing of cement300600
TOL gasesTOLindustrial sector. Production and distribution of industrial gases,welding equipments, medical gases500600
tanzania portland cementTPCCproduction, sale and marketing of cement4352,160
TATEPATTPgrowing, processing, blending, marketing and distribution of tea and instant coffee330120
uchumi supermarketUSLsupermarkets2505
vodacom tanzaniaVODAtelecoms850850
yetu microfinanceYETUbanking500550

Sources: dar es salaam stock exchange (DSE)

Last update: 9th september 2020


Tanzania stock market to connect electronically with uganda and rwanda by end of 2020

Tanzania’s stock market is set to connect electronically to the stock exchanges of uganda and rwanda by the end of 2020.

New mortgage bond listing at DSE

On 1st july 2019, the tanzania mortgage refinance company (TMRC) has listed tranche 2 of the five years medium term note (MTN) programme amounting to…

Tanzania national investments company return to stock exchange

On 6th june 2018, the national investments company limited (NICOL) of tanzania has restarted trading at the dar es salaam stock exchange after being delisted…

Vodacom Tanzania IPO

Vodacom tanzania IPO begin

Tanzanian mobile network operator (MNO) vodacom has started today its IPO for 560 million shares at TZS 850 per share.

Dar es salaam stock exchange weekly report: february 17th-24th 2017

The dar es salaam stock exchange (DSE) closed on friday, february 24th, 2017 with a total market capitalization of TZS20,079.40, compared to TZS19,952.80 on friday, february 17th, 2017 (+0.63%).

Dar es salaam stock exchange weekly report: february 10th-17th 2017

The dar es salaam stock exchange (DSE) closed on friday, february 17th, 2017 with a total market capitalization of TZS19,952.80, compared to TZS18,974.80 on friday, february 3rd, 2017 (+5.15%).

Dar es salaam stock exchange weekly report: february 3rd-10th 2017

The dar es salaam stock exchange (DSE) closed on friday, february 10th, 2017 with a total market capitalization of TZS18,974.80, compared to TZS18,670.08 on friday, february 3rd, 2017 (+1.63%).

Dar es salaam stock exchange weekly report: january 27th – february 3rd 2017

The dar es salaam stock exchange (DSE) closed on friday, february 3rd, 2017 with a total market capitalization of TZS18,670.08, compared to TZS19,069.30 on friday, january 27th, 2017 (-2.09%).

Dar es salaam stock exchange weekly report: january 20th-27th 2016

The dar es salaam stock exchange (DSE) closed on friday, january 27th, 2016 with a total market capitalization of TZS19,069.30, compared to TZS18,677.90 on friday, january 20th, 2016 (+2.10%).

Dar es salaam stock exchange weekly report: january 13th-20th 2016

The dar es salaam stock exchange (DSE) closed on friday, january 20th, 2016 with a total market capitalization of TZS18,677.90, compared to TZS19,119.20 on friday, january 13th, 2016 (-2.31%).

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