Forex invest

Forex invest

If you can't find any companies that you think are attractive, put your money in the bank until you discover some.

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Forex invest

Forex invest

Forex invest

The world's best investors of all times, and their key trading tips.

Forex invest

The place to learn how to invest in the foreign exchange market.

The foreign exchange is a huge financial market with daily volumes exceeding 4.0 trillion US dollars. The most influential players in the forex market are the central banks, commercial banks, and institutional investors. Banks and institutional investors combined account for about 50% of daily turnover. Exporters, importers, and other similar multinational groups account for about 10% of daily turnover.

Famous investors & tips

The world's best investors of all times, and their key trading tips.

» bill lipschutz » michael marcus
» randy mckay » stanley druckenmiller
» andrew krieger
» colm O’ shea » bruce kovner
» louis bacon
» ed seykota » james simons
» larry hite
» david tepper » ray dalio
» joe vidich » monroe trout
» john paulson » william eckhardt
» paul tudor jones
» warren buffet » jesse livermore
» william D. Gann » george soros
» napoleon hill » peter lynch
» richard dennis » peter L. Brandt
» victor sperandeo » linda raschke
» nassim taleb

Forex trade strategy

The implementation of a trading strategy includes four stages: planning, backtesting, optimizing, and execution.

Forex rates

The interest rate differential is behind the swap rate values that play a major role in swing trading and especially in long-term carry trading.


Choosing the right partners is absolutely essential for all forex investors.

Select an ECN/STP forex broker that is regulated and headquartered in a serious country. Mind your trading cost, not your trading bonus.

Recognizing the macroeconomic cycle and decoding the intentions of central banks are the two key elements of the long-term success of any forex investor.

Forex price action

Intraday trading strategies - forex price action

Understanding the dynamics of forex price action is essential when trading forex intraday. There is a great variety of methods and tools available for traders seeking to interpret the daily price action. These tools include candlesticks, chart patterns, harmonic patters, the elliott waves, etc.

What is forex price action?

Price action in forex trading reflects the flow of executed orders within a specific time frame. You may evaluate price action via empirical methods but the most reliable way is the use of technical analysis. What really distinguishes trading using price action compared to other intraday strategies is the use of naked charts with candlesticks and without any indicators or oscillators.

Price action and candlesticks

A candle is formed by a closing an opening price and two wicks. The two wicks reflect high and low prices within the selected time frame (for example 1 minute chart). The body of its candle is determined by the distance between the closing and opening prices and therefore a candle may be bullish or bearish. Price action should be interpreted according to the current trading conditions of each forex market. Let’s distinguish between the two main types of forex markets.

Nassim nicholas taleb (derivatives trader & author)

Born in 1960, nassim nicholas taleb is a lebanese-american mathematical statistician, author, risk analyst, and options trader. His work focuses on problems of uncertainty, randomness, and probability. He created the risk-hedging technique 'tail risk hedging' or 'black swan protection' that aggregates portfolio exposure in order to hedge against extreme market volatility. According to the sunday times, his 2007 book 'the black swan' is one of the twelve most influential books since world war II.


■ knowledge is in dealing with what we do not know

Knowledge and discovery are not so much in dealing with what we know, as in dealing with what we do not know.

  • We are trained to take advantage of the information that is lying in front of our eyes, ignoring the information that we do not see

■ what characterizes real speculators like soros from the rest

What characterizes real speculators like soros from the rest is that their activities are devoid of path dependence. They are totally free from their past actions. Every day is a clean slate.

  • My lesson from soros is to start every meeting at my trading boutique by convincing everyone that we are a bunch of idiots who know nothing and are mistake-prone but happen to be endowed with the rare privilege of knowing it.

  • George soros, when making a financial bet, keeps looking for instances that would prove his initial theory wrong.

Linda bradford raschke (derivatives τrader)

Born 1959, linda bradford raschke is an american trader, operating mostly as a futures trader. Linda started her trading career in 1981 making markets in options. Later, she became a registered CTA (commodity trading advisor) and founded LBR asset management.


■ the ability to perceive patterns in the market

I believe my most important skill is an ability to perceive patterns in the market. I think this aptitude for pattern recognition is probably related to my heavy involvement with music.

■ be contrarian to the panic

Some of the best trades come when everyone gets very panicky. The crowd can often act very stupidly in the markets. You can picture price fluctuations around an equilibrium level as a rubber band being stretched. If it gets pulled too far, eventually it will snap back. As a short-term trader, I try to wait until the rubber band is stretched to its extreme point.

■ the accuracy of a prediction drops off dramatically, the more distant the forecast time

I believe that only short-term price swings can be predicted with any precision. The accuracy of a prediction drops off dramatically, the more distant the forecast time. I'm a strong believer in chaos theory.

Victor sperandeo (derivatives trader)

Born in 1945, victor sperandeo is an american commodity and derivatives trader, known as “trader vic”. Sperandeo traded, particularly in the energy and metals sectors. He is the CEO of alpha financial technologies, LLC (AFT). It is said that until 1990, he had 18 profitable years in a row with an average return of 72%. Victor sperandeo takes a trade only when the odds are in his favor. For example, he believes that a typical bullish swing on the dow jones industrial is 20%. After the dow has performed 20% the odds for further continuation are diminishing.


■ knowing the stage of the market matters the most

Trading the market without knowing what stage it is in is like selling life insurance to twenty-year-olds and eighty-year-olds at the same premium.

■ you have to know when the odds are in your favor

Gambling involves taking a risk when the odds are against you. For example, betting on a lottery or playing a slot machine are forms of gambling. I think successful trading, or poker playing for that matter, involves speculating rather than gambling. Successful speculation implies taking risks when the odds are in your favor. Just like in poker, where you have to know which hands to bet on, in trading, you have to know when the odds are in your favor.

■ the two-hundred-day moving average (200 MA)

In the stock market, the one indicator I give the greatest weight is the two-hundred-day moving average (200 MA).

Peter lynch (equity trader & money manager)

Born in 1944, peter lynch is a legendary equity trader, author, and mutual fund manager. Between 1977 and 1990, he averaged a 29.2% annual return working for the magellan fund at fidelity investments.


■ discipline yourself to ignore your feelings. Stand by your position as long as the fundamental story hasn’t changed

The trick is not to learn to trust your gut feelings, but rather to discipline yourself to ignore them. Stand by your stocks as long as the fundamental story of the company hasn’t changed.

  • There is always something to worry about. Avoid weekend thinking and ignore the latest dire predictions of the newscasters. Sell a stock because the company's fundamentals deteriorate, not because the sky is falling.

  • Good information is useless without the willpower.

■ be contrarian to the herd

Over the past three decades, the stock market has come to be dominated by a herd of professional investors. Contrary to popular belief, this makes it easier for the amateur investor. You can beat the market by ignoring the herd.

  • Dumb money is only dumb when it listens to the smart money.

  • Small investors tend to be pessimistic and optimistic at precisely the wrong times.

■ when to put your money in the bank

If you can't find any companies that you think are attractive, put your money in the bank until you discover some.

Andrew krieger (forex trader)

Andy krieger is known as one of the most aggressive currency traders worldwide, and the conqueror of the new zeeland dollar. In 1986, he joined bankers trust where he made the legendary short trade against the new zealand dollar. Later, he worked for george soros. In 1992, he published the book: “the money bazaar: inside the trillion-dollar world of currency trading”.

■ the key steps to effectively a nalyze a currency pair (by imre gams)

When I analyze a currency pair. I look at everything. I look at all these things in both countries of the currency pair:

(1) from the political situation in the country to the monetary policy of the central bank, to the growth rates in the economy, to the demographics, and so on.

(2) I don’t think I’ve ever taken a trade in a currency without first looking at everything from stock markets to bond markets to relative interest rates. All these things go into my equation.

(3) then I try to figure out what’s priced into the market. In other words, what does the market expect? Does the market expect certain types of data? Does the market expect certain growth rates? Does it expect certain outcomes in elections?

(4) but if I know what’s expected, I get important information… because when economic or political data is released, I can watch the market’s reaction. That reaction tells me a lot about how the market is positioned.

(5) once I have that information, I can study the technical factors, which give me still more information.

So it’s a multi-tiered, complex process.

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Forex invest

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Forex trading: A beginner's guide

Forex is a portmanteau of foreign currency and exchange. Foreign exchange is the process of changing one currency into another currency for a variety of reasons, usually for commerce, trading, or tourism. According to a recent triennial report from the bank for international settlements (a global bank for national central banks), the average was more than $5.1 trillion in daily forex trading volume.  

Key takeaways

  • The foreign exchange (also known as FX or forex) market is a global marketplace for exchanging national currencies against one another.

  • Because of the worldwide reach of trade, commerce, and finance, forex markets tend to be the largest and most liquid asset markets in the world.

  • Currencies trade against each other as exchange rate pairs. For example, EUR/USD.

  • Forex markets exist as spot (cash) markets as well as derivatives markets offering forwards, futures, options, and currency swaps.

  • Market participants use forex to hedge against international currency and interest rate risk, to speculate on geopolitical events, and to diversify portfolios, among several other reasons.

What is the forex market?

The foreign exchange market is where currencies are traded. Currencies are important to most people around the world, whether they realize it or not, because currencies need to be exchanged in order to conduct foreign trade and business. If you are living in the U.S. And want to buy cheese from france, either you or the company that you buy the cheese from has to pay the french for the cheese in euros (EUR). This means that the U.S. Importer would have to exchange the equivalent value of U.S. Dollars (USD) into euros. The same goes for traveling. A french tourist in egypt can't pay in euros to see the pyramids because it's not the locally accepted currency. As such, the tourist has to exchange the euros for the local currency, in this case the egyptian pound, at the current exchange rate.

One unique aspect of this international market is that there is no central marketplace for foreign exchange. Rather, currency trading is conducted electronically over-the-counter (OTC), which means that all transactions occur via computer networks between traders around the world, rather than on one centralized exchange. The market is open 24 hours a day, five and a half days a week, and currencies are traded worldwide in the major financial centers of london, new york, tokyo, zurich, frankfurt, hong kong, singapore, paris and sydney—across almost every time zone. This means that when the trading day in the U.S. Ends, the forex market begins anew in tokyo and hong kong. As such, the forex market can be extremely active any time of the day, with price quotes changing constantly.

A brief history of forex

Unlike stock markets, which can trace their roots back centuries, the forex market as we understand it today is a truly new market. Of course, in its most basic sense—that of people converting one currency to another for financial advantage—forex has been around since nations began minting currencies. But the modern forex markets are a modern invention. After the accord at bretton woods in 1971, more major currencies were allowed to float freely against one another. The values of individual currencies vary, which has given rise to the need for foreign exchange services and trading.

Commercial and investment banks conduct most of the trading in the forex markets on behalf of their clients, but there are also speculative opportunities for trading one currency against another for professional and individual investors.

Spot market and the forwards & futures markets

There are actually three ways that institutions, corporations and individuals trade forex: the spot market, the forwards market, and the futures market. Forex trading in the spot market has always been the largest market because it is the "underlying" real asset that the forwards and futures markets are based on. In the past, the futures market was the most popular venue for traders because it was available to individual investors for a longer period of time. However, with the advent of electronic trading and numerous forex brokers, the spot market has witnessed a huge surge in activity and now surpasses the futures market as the preferred trading market for individual investors and speculators. When people refer to the forex market, they usually are referring to the spot market. The forwards and futures markets tend to be more popular with companies that need to hedge their foreign exchange risks out to a specific date in the future.

More specifically, the spot market is where currencies are bought and sold according to the current price. That price, determined by supply and demand, is a reflection of many things, including current interest rates, economic performance, sentiment towards ongoing political situations (both locally and internationally), as well as the perception of the future performance of one currency against another. When a deal is finalized, this is known as a "spot deal." it is a bilateral transaction by which one party delivers an agreed-upon currency amount to the counter party and receives a specified amount of another currency at the agreed-upon exchange rate value. After a position is closed, the settlement is in cash. Although the spot market is commonly known as one that deals with transactions in the present (rather than the future), these trades actually take two days for settlement.

Unlike the spot market, the forwards and futures markets do not trade actual currencies. Instead they deal in contracts that represent claims to a certain currency type, a specific price per unit and a future date for settlement.

In the forwards market, contracts are bought and sold OTC between two parties, who determine the terms of the agreement between themselves.

In the futures market, futures contracts are bought and sold based upon a standard size and settlement date on public commodities markets, such as the chicago mercantile exchange. In the U.S., the national futures association regulates the futures market. Futures contracts have specific details, including the number of units being traded, delivery and settlement dates, and minimum price increments that cannot be customized. The exchange acts as a counterpart to the trader, providing clearance and settlement.

Both types of contracts are binding and are typically settled for cash at the exchange in question upon expiry, although contracts can also be bought and sold before they expire. The forwards and futures markets can offer protection against risk when trading currencies. Usually, big international corporations use these markets in order to hedge against future exchange rate fluctuations, but speculators take part in these markets as well.

Note that you'll often see the terms: FX, forex, foreign-exchange market, and currency market. These terms are synonymous and all refer to the forex market.

Forex for hedging

Companies doing business in foreign countries are at risk due to fluctuations in currency values when they buy or sell goods and services outside of their domestic market. Foreign exchange markets provide a way to hedge currency risk by fixing a rate at which the transaction will be completed.

To accomplish this, a trader can buy or sell currencies in the forward or swap markets in advance, which locks in an exchange rate. For example, imagine that a company plans to sell U.S.-made blenders in europe when the exchange rate between the euro and the dollar (EUR/USD) is €1 to $1 at parity.

The blender costs $100 to manufacture, and the U.S. Firm plans to sell it for €150—which is competitive with other blenders that were made in europe. If this plan is successful, the company will make $50 in profit because the EUR/USD exchange rate is even. Unfortunately, the USD begins to rise in value versus the euro until the EUR/USD exchange rate is 0.80, which means it now costs $0.80 to buy €1.00.

The problem the company faces is that while it still costs $100 to make the blender, the company can only sell the product at the competitive price of €150, which when translated back into dollars is only $120 (€150 X 0.80 = $120). A stronger dollar resulted in a much smaller profit than expected.

The blender company could have reduced this risk by shorting the euro and buying the USD when they were at parity. That way, if the dollar rose in value, the profits from the trade would offset the reduced profit from the sale of blenders. If the USD fell in value, the more favorable exchange rate will increase the profit from the sale of blenders, which offsets the losses in the trade.

Hedging of this kind can be done in the currency futures market. The advantage for the trader is that futures contracts are standardized and cleared by a central authority. However, currency futures may be less liquid than the forward markets, which are decentralized and exist within the interbank system throughout the world.

Forex for speculation

Factors like interest rates, trade flows, tourism, economic strength, and geopolitical risk affect supply and demand for currencies, which creates daily volatility in the forex markets. An opportunity exists to profit from changes that may increase or reduce one currency's value compared to another. A forecast that one currency will weaken is essentially the same as assuming that the other currency in the pair will strengthen because currencies are traded as pairs.

Imagine a trader who expects interest rates to rise in the U.S. Compared to australia while the exchange rate between the two currencies (AUD/USD) is 0.71 (it takes $0.71 USD to buy $1.00 AUD). The trader believes higher interest rates in the U.S. Will increase demand for USD, and therefore the AUD/USD exchange rate will fall because it will require fewer, stronger USD to buy an AUD.

Assume that the trader is correct and interest rates rise, which decreases the AUD/USD exchange rate to 0.50. This means that it requires $0.50 USD to buy $1.00 AUD. If the investor had shorted the AUD and went long the USD, he or she would have profited from the change in value.

Currency as an asset class

There are two distinct features to currencies as an asset class:

  • You can earn the interest rate differential between two currencies.

  • You can profit from changes in the exchange rate.

An investor can profit from the difference between two interest rates in two different economies by buying the currency with the higher interest rate and shorting the currency with the lower interest rate. Prior to the 2008 financial crisis, it was very common to short the japanese yen (JPY) and buy british pounds (GBP) because the interest rate differential was very large. This strategy is sometimes referred to as a "carry trade."

Why we can trade currencies

Currency trading was very difficult for individual investors prior to the internet. Most currency traders were large multinational corporations, hedge funds or high-net-worth individuals because forex trading required a lot of capital. With help from the internet, a retail market aimed at individual traders has emerged, providing easy access to the foreign exchange markets, either through the banks themselves or brokers making a secondary market. Most online brokers or dealers offer very high leverage to individual traders who can control a large trade with a small account balance.

Forex trading: A beginner’s guide

Forex trading risks

Trading currencies can be risky and complex. The interbank market has varying degrees of regulation, and forex instruments are not standardized. In some parts of the world, forex trading is almost completely unregulated.

The interbank market is made up of banks trading with each other around the world. The banks themselves have to determine and accept sovereign risk and credit risk, and they have established internal processes to keep themselves as safe as possible. Regulations like this are industry-imposed for the protection of each participating bank.

Since the market is made by each of the participating banks providing offers and bids for a particular currency, the market pricing mechanism is based on supply and demand. Because there are such large trade flows within the system, it is difficult for rogue traders to influence the price of a currency. This system helps create transparency in the market for investors with access to interbank dealing.

Most small retail traders trade with relatively small and semi-unregulated forex brokers/dealers, which can (and sometimes do) re-quote prices and even trade against their own customers. Depending on where the dealer exists, there may be some government and industry regulation, but those safeguards are inconsistent around the globe.

Most retail investors should spend time investigating a forex dealer to find out whether it is regulated in the U.S. Or the U.K. (dealers in the U.S. And U.K. Have more oversight) or in a country with lax rules and oversight. It is also a good idea to find out what kind of account protections are available in case of a market crisis, or if a dealer becomes insolvent.

Pros and challenges of trading forex

Pro: the forex markets are the largest in terms of daily trading volume in the world and therefore offer the most liquidity.   this makes it easy to enter and exit a position in any of the major currencies within a fraction of a second for a small spread in most market conditions.

Challenge: banks, brokers, and dealers in the forex markets allow a high amount of leverage, which means that traders can control large positions with relatively little money of their own. Leverage in the range of 100:1 is a high ratio but not uncommon in forex. A trader must understand the use of leverage and the risks that leverage introduces in an account. Extreme amounts of leverage have led to many dealers becoming insolvent unexpectedly.

Pro: the forex market is traded 24 hours a day, five days a week—starting each day in australia and ending in new york. The major centers are sydney, hong kong, singapore, tokyo, frankfurt, paris, london, and new york.

Challenge: trading currencies productively requires an understanding of economic fundamentals and indicators. A currency trader needs to have a big-picture understanding of the economies of the various countries and their inter-connectedness to grasp the fundamentals that drive currency values.

The bottom line

For traders—especially those with limited funds—day trading or swing trading in small amounts is easier in the forex market than other markets. For those with longer-term horizons and larger funds, long-term fundamentals-based trading or a carry trade can be profitable. A focus on understanding the macroeconomic fundamentals driving currency values and experience with technical analysis may help new forex traders to become more profitable.

Forex investing strategies

a young woman looking at a laptop with stock chart in the background

Forex is one of those areas that most people feel is complicated. In reality, it's like many other forms of investment where a little knowledge can be dangerous. The good news for people out there looking for forex investing strategies is that there are enough strategies out there to meet any investment goal. You can be a simple long-term investor, or you can sit and watch the market every day looking for profit at every turn. As long as you want to learn forex trading, you can find a method that's right.

Daily or weekly trend following

One strategy that is a simple forex trading system is following the daily or weekly trends. Review the daily and weekly charts and find a trend that seems well supported and get in. The one caveat about this particular type of trading is that your moves that look small on the chart can span 100's of pips. This means that you need to trade small. Use a conservative allocation when you buy in and allow your trade to develop a bit. Set a reasonable stop and plan out a target. Beginners find this strategy easy because they don't need to watch the market constantly. Instead, they can trade when they have time.

Carry trading

Carry trading is when you buy and hold a currency that pays a high-interest rate against a currency that has a low-interest rate. Each day a rollover is paid for the interest difference between the two currencies. The advantage of this is that even when your trade is not moving, money is deposited into your account daily. Also, since most forex trades are leveraged, you get paid on the size of your trade, not just the size of your capital.

The downside to the carry trade is that the interest differentials are typically not that much compared to how much risk you are taking. Also, currency pairs that are good for carry trading typically have a strong reaction to any news that presents a risk to the global markets. In other words, as long as things are good, these pairs will rise and pay. If something goes wrong, sometimes unexpectedly, they will plunge very hard and very fast. If you are overleveraged, you can blow up your account in a blink.

Day trading

The forex market is always moving—twenty-four hours a day, six days a week. Although the most active forex trading times are specific, the forex market is always moving at least a little. Depending on what you like to trade, you can pick and choose your time. Most day trading strategies revolve around forex technical analysis, which has its positive points. The market can be very technical, and if you have a sharp eye and a plan, you can catch it and make some profit from it.

Fundamental trading

Some investors have a more old-fashioned approach to investment. They prefer to invest in something that they understand rather than looking for a signal on their chart. For this more cautious investor, fundamental forex trading works best.

Fundamental trading is when you follow the news for several countries and play the countries with strengthening economic trends, against the ones with weakening economic trends. This type of approach is pretty easy because it looks at how things shape up over the long term. The complicated portion of it is learning to understand the economic reports and compare them to other countries.

While forex trading can feel complicated, it's something that anyone with patience and the ability to learn from their mistakes can gain some skill at over time. It takes some persistence. The system is designed in a way that frustrates most people. You need to step back, keep an eye on the big picture, and trade small, at least in the beginning. It's also smart to avoid those "100 percent accurate forex trading systems" on the internet until you have some experience under your belt.

Forex invest

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Successful trading strategy

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Our fund management services are easy to use. To benefit from our managed forex account, you just need to fund your trading account with one of our partner brokers and share your mt4 credentials with us. We generate around 20% to 30% return on investment (ROI) each month. Similarly, our trade copying service is also very easy to use. All you need is to follow us on zulutrade and enjoy steady profits each month.

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About us

MBA trading and capital investment limited is a world class forex training and capital investment company, established with the vision of impacting the general populace with the knowledge of trading forex and creating platforms that will bring about sustainable financial freedom.

With over 10 thousand active investors, more than 10 business locations in nigeria and our new offices in the united arab emirates (UAE) and the united kingdom (UK), we are determined to provide an all-encompassing investment service to our clients that accommodate their various needs.

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Forex opinion & analysis

The dollar rose against all the major currencies last week, except for the british pound and new zealand dollar, which eked out minor gains. We have been suggesting two views. The first was a.

This week should be a wake-up call for all investors. The market disruption caused by retail traders swapping ideas over reddit and squeezing out major hedge funds is unprecedented, but corrections.

The canadian dollar is slightly lower on friday. Currently, USD/CAD is trading at 1.2805, down 0.20% on the day. The loonie finds itself above the 1.28 level, as the pair is up 0.70% this week.

This year has seen apple’s stock price skyrocket by a stunning 86% so far as optimism on the company’s prospects continues to frustrate its naysayers. And there has been plenty of good news for the.

EUR/USD edged higher on friday, after hitting support at 1.2095. Now is getting closer to yesterday’s high, at 1.2143. Overall, the rate has been trading within a sideways range since jan. 14, between.

Risk off flows unwind yesterday’s gains US consumer data on tap nikkei -1.89% DAX -0.95% UST 10Y 1.07% oil $52.8 gold $1857/oz. BTC/USD $36761/oz. Asia and the EU EUR GDP – 2.9% vs. -3.4% north.

Powerful corrective forces continue to grip the market. After a large rally to start the new year, the correction is punishing. Most asia pacific equities markets were off again today to bring the.

All of the major currencies traded higher on wednesday on the back of good data and equity market gains. The U.S. Economy expanded by 4% in the fourth quarter, but this increase was not enough to.

A lot has happened in the currency markets over the past year. And important near-term trends are currently facing some big-time long-term trend support/resistance levels. In today’s chart 2-pack we.

The S&P 500 closed wednesday down 2.6%, while DJI lost 2%, which predetermined the markets' negative sentiment on thursday morning, taking away 1.8% from the MSCI's broadest index of asia-pacific. .

Risk off flows resume US GDP on tap nikkei -1.53% DAX -1.40% UST 10Y 1.0% oil $52.8 gold $1842/oz. BTC/USD $3468/oz. Asia and the EU EUR con. Confidence-15.5 north america USD GDP 8:30 USD weekly.

Traders enamored with the minute by minute fluctuations in so-called meme stocks like gamestop (NYSE:GME) and AMC entertainment (NYSE:AMC) may not have noticed, but we saw a far more longer-term and.

With the federal reserve holding its first monetary policy meeting of the year, it would be easy to attribute today’s U.S. Dollar rally to the central bank’s comments. However, nothing in fed chairman.

The EUR/USD forex market on the daily chart is breaking below a 3-week triangle. However, it is just above the bottom of a 2-month trading range. The bears need consecutive closes below the range.

Except for corrective rallies, we have been consistently bearish on the dollar for about half a year. However, since sunday we’ve been wondering whether the dollar is consolidating, and possibly.

Bullisheur/NZD is currently at 1.6854 in a range and a channel. If we can break this resistance, we are looking for a move to the ATR target at 1.6915 area. A continuation would target the channel.

Trade major US tech stocks this earnings season

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